Hormones Responsible for Weight Gain In Women

The hormone is a regulatory substance or chemical messenger in the human body produced in the endocrine glands. Influencing bodily functions, hormones contribute to many bodily functions involving satiating hunger in controlling emotions in synchronizing the menstrual cycle. However, there are certain hormones for weight gain leaving an adverse impact on women’s body on a large scale.

What role do Hormones Play in Your Body?

No matter whether there are hormones for weight gain or the ones helping in growing taller, every hormone is secreted from a certain gland or organ of the body. After the release, it travels through the bloodstream for sending messages to different cells. Each cell has a definite hormone receptor and various activities take place in the cell.

Insulin, cortisol and adrenaline are three types of major hormones and the disappearance of these hormones cause complications in survival. However, the deficiency of the minor hormones is not an immediate life threat; it can cause different health conditions later on. Growth hormone, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, DHEA and testosterone are minor hormones and these substances play a minor or major role in the metabolism.

Functions of Hormones

  • Vasopressin released from the pituitary gland regulates the operation in kidneys by retaining water and controlling blood pressure level.
  • Growth Hormone handles growth and development along with promoting protein construction.
  • Parathyroid hormone released from the parathyroid gland promotes bone formation.
  • Cortisol handles blood sugar level, muscle strength and acts looks after anti-inflammatory operations.
  • Aldosterone produced by adrenal glands can control water and salt balance by influencing the kidneys to keep water and salt.
  • Insulin reduces blood sugar level and affects the metabolism of protein, sugar and fat in the body.
  • Progesterone takes care of the function of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg and prepares mammary glands for milk.
  • Chorionic gonadotropin manages the ovaries for releasing progesterone at the time of pregnancy.
  • Ghrelin and Leptin control hunger pangs or appetite.

As there are various hormones executing different roles, weight gain or loss is widely dependent on the hormones, too.

Hormones for Weight Gain

Weight gain has become a worldwide problem and lack of exercise or an unhealthy diet is generally the major problem. However, certain hormones inside a woman’s body increase the problem and leave an adverse effect. Of course, the secretion of hormone is not to be blamed since the deficiency or imbalance of hormone growth leads to weight gain.

Thyroid in Weight Gain

Imbalance due to hormones for weight gain is one of the recurring problems that modern women suffer. The thyroid gland is situated in the neck base releasing a type of hormone which controls metabolism. Thyroid is known for controlling body temperature, heart rate, body weight, menstrual cycle and cholesterol level.

T4 and T3 are thyroid hormones that are often needed in the body. As the human body does not have the capability of producing iodine, it needs to be absorbed from the daily diet. When the iodine is absorbed into the bloodstream from the sustenance, the element is used for producing thyroid hormones after being carried to the thyroid gland.

Connection between Weight, BMR and Thyroid

The complex relationship between thyroid disease, metabolism, and weight gain is a much-talked discussion in the 21st Century. Thyroid hormones have the ability to control metabolism in human and animal bodies. People suffering from malfunctions in the thyroid glands are susceptible to face low basal metabolic rate or BMR.

Also, overactive thyroid gland leads to high level of BMR in the human body. Now the changes in BMR are linked to the changes in energy production. Energy refers to the distinction between the amount of energy or calories consumed and used for going maintaining the bodily functions.

Women have indicated that an imbalance in thyroid hormones result in changes in the basal metabolism rate. Therefore, it leaves an impact on the energy level along with body weight.

Is TSH is one of the Hormones for Weight Gain?

The difference in the thyroid operation develops regional obesity or increases the chances of gaining excess weight. The serum-free T4 is linked to BMI and lower level of FT4 leads to the accumulation of fat cells. The fat cells accelerate the production of leptin and they become a working endocrine organ.

Adipose tissues develop leptin which moderates the relationship between BMI and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Leptin can, in fact, establish a relationship with the central nervous system and control the response to energy loss, food intake and binge eating. The gradual increase in TSH level and fat mass lead grow leptin level.

Gaining Weight due to Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism develops the chances of having an underactive thyroid and the patients with this condition have a low level of BMR. This problem causes weight gain among many patients and the severity of the condition plays a major role here.

However, the complex relationship between gaining pounds due to excess hypothyroidism is not the result of fat accumulation always. However, during the treatment of hypothyroidism, one may expect to lose weight which may be up to 10% of body weight.

Treating Thyroid Imbalance

  • Seek medical help. The doctor may advise T4 and T3 tests to check the TSH level.
  • Consume well-cooked vegetables; the raw vegetables only worsen the situation.
  • Take iodized salt, vitamin D supplements and fish oil.
  • Make sure your body gets enough zinc from pumpkin seeds or oysters.
  • Follow the doctor’s prescription for the right thyroid medicines.

Estrogen and Excess Body Weight

Estrogen is one of the female hormones for weight gain that affects one’s body during the menopause. While going through menopause, it becomes hard to lose or manage the excess pounds. Several forms of estrogen contribute to the body’s ability to regulate weight gain and bring changes in the woman’s body weight.

Low Estrogen Level Causing Heftiness

There are many factors that lead to low level of estrogen level and menopause is one of the common reasons. During the period, a woman observes a decline in reproductive hormones and the menstruation cycle does not start again. Many of the women have reported that rapidly changing hormonal level is the reason behind putting on additional pounds.

Estrogen plays a significant role in controlling metabolism and estradiol (one form of estrogen) starts to go down when a woman enters menopause phase in her life. Low level of estradiol is the cause of gaining weight. A woman notices the addition of additional fat cells in thighs or hips but menopause expands the circumference of the abdominal area.

In this way, visceral fat becomes a recurrent problem which poses certain threats such as stroke, diabetes and stroke apart from excess bodyweight. Moreover, the elderly women become less active and do not burn enough calories per day. However, there are other factors that increase the risk of weight gain and also the low level of estrogen which is one of the hormones for weight gain.


Estrogen level significantly drops when the woman is breastfeeding or gives birth.


Polycystic ovary syndrome takes place in a woman’s body because of the imbalance between progesterone level and estrogen level. Insulin resistance and heart disease are the risks of this woman’s health condition.

Ovary Elimination

The ovary removal surgery affects the hormonal balance in the body at the time of menopause. At this time, the woman fails to produce progesterone, estrogen and even release eggs.

Apart from the low level of estrogen, high estrogen can be the cause of weight gain. The ovarian cells may overproduce excessive estrogen which leads to the excess estrogen in the body. Moreover, the high estrogen affects insulin and eventually causes weight gain.

Maintaining Estrogen for Controlling Weight

  • Do not drink alcoholic drinks.
  • Eat fresh and always avoid processed meat.
  • Include fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grain more.
  • Follow a workout routine. Yoga is widely helpful for women going through menopause.
  • Consult with your medical professional to keep up estrogen level and ask help for leading a healthy lifestyle.

Melatonin Disrupting Weight Loss Regime

The function of melatonin is interlinked with metabolism, sound sleep, body temperature and immunity system. At night, the production of melatonin is high and it differs with the age group. Pineal gland helps in the secretion of melatonin which regulates rising and sleeping time.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Found most often during the long nights of winter. This disorder results in profound depression, oversleeping, weight gain, tiredness, and sadness. Not Enough. Insomnia. Difficulty falling asleep. Wake up often and have difficulty falling asleep. Waking up early and waking up tired.

When you are sleeping in a dark room, the body temperature drops and melatonin level goes up. During this time, the hormone helps contributes to increasing bone density and producing growth hormone. Lack of much-needed darkness in the room or inadequate sleep blocks the building of lean muscle.

In this way, stress overpowers your body and eventually, you become a victim of weight gain. Low level of melatonin increases the risk of developing visceral fat or belly fat which is hard to lose easily.

Keeping the Melatonin Level High

  • Deal with anxiety and stress. Enroll yourself in stress programs or exercise daily.
  • Keep the phone away before going to sleep. The blue light emission disrupts melatonin secretion.
  • Limit alcohol drinking because it increases insomnia, stress and anxiety rapidly.
  • Follow a balanced diet and include cardamom, cherries, almonds, sunflower seeds, goji berries and coriander.
  • Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep.

Cortisol being one of the Hormones for Weight Gain

Adrenal glands produce cortisol which is known as the stress hormone. The cortisol level remains lowest in the midnight and highest in the early morning. Primarily, it plays an integral role in maintaining blood pressure and keeping up body energy.

This hormone also has the potential to stimulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism for generating more energy. In addition, to which, the hormone also keeps an eye on insulin resistance and your blood sugar level. Gradually, you will find yourself to be craving for salty, high-fat and sweet foods that lead to weight gain.

Psychological stress is the reason for producing more cortisol making it one of the hormones for weight gain. Also, if the cortisol production is disrupted, women notice fat disposition in mid-section more than hips.

Controlling Cortisol for Better Health

  • Sleep enough sleep for 7-8 hours each night.
  • Do not consume deep fried foods, processed meat and alcohol.
  • Carpe diem and do what you like for a day.
  • Start achieving things from your bucket list for making feel good about yourself.
  • Rekindle old relationship with friends and family members.
  • Finish the book if you have bought ages ago, learn new skills and watch a comedy movie.
  • Follow a workout routine which suits best to you and meditation or yoga for relaxing to the core.

Other Hormones for Weight Gain to Know

Apart from these hormones for weight gain, there is ghrelin which is hunger hormone increasing fat accumulation and stimulating appetite. Check your blood sugar periodically for understanding insulin level which is disrupted by the consumption of alcohol, unhealthy snacks, alcohol and processed foods. Women have a low level of testosterone but it can increase due to lack of fiber, magnesium and vitamin C in your foods.

Imbalance in progesterone is widely visible during menopause and it influences depression and weight gain. It is important to practice deep breathing, workout daily and consult a gynecologist for choosing the right birth control.

If you become too concerned about weight gain issue, it is never appropriate to self-medicate because many hormones can lose their power. The medical professional generally advises necessary tests for evaluating hormones for weight gain. This is why, even if you cannot exercise daily, you can walk for regulating hormonal and other bodily functions.

In the end, it can be discerned that exercise and a healthy diet are the go-to solutions for maintaining hormone imbalance. The mentioned hormones for weight gain need special attention because they disrupt weight balance and cause various symptoms in your body. In a nutshell, the hormones for weight gain are often the reasons behind poor job performance, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetic problems.

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