Best Kettlebell Exercises For Women

Kettlebells are all bell, not whistles. Similar to mini bowling balls with handles, kettlebells are best for developing aerobic capacity and strength.

Begin by choosing the weight of your choice. Those beginners with kettlebells may feel comfortable with 15-30 pounds weights, while seasoned kettlebells may grab 70 pounds. The weights may vary depending on the workout as well.

Reps and sets will depend on the intensity and individual fitness level. For most of these moves, it is suggested to aim 3-5 sets of 10-30 reps with good form.

In the starting, it might feel difficult, and this kettlebell tool seems scary, but once you see how to use them efficiently and safely.  Later you like it as the most useful piece of equipment to do practice at home. It is a great way to improve your weight lifting routine.

Barbells take more space and dumbbells are not as handy for a compound workout, such as swings and deadlifts. But because of the design of kettlebells, a weighted ball with a handle help to activate different muscle groups at once doing a variety of workout. The handle allows for both ballistic movement and deadlifts, so you have a tool that you can use for both conditioning and strength in a low impact way.

Kettlebell Exercises for Women

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Kettlebell Deadlift

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Bilateral movements, which help using two hands, challenge you to lift more weights and improve multiple muscle groups at once. In this case, you are firing up your back, glutes, and core.

How to do a kettlebell deadlift?

  • Stand and keep feet at hip distance and keep a kettlebell between the feet’ arches.
  • Grip the kettlebell handle with both hands, ensure your shoulders are on your hips and hips are over knees. It is a deadlift position.
  • Engaging your core and keep back level push shoulder down and back.
  • Firmly pressing feet into the ground, raise the kettlebell to stand by squeezing your glutes.
  • Get the kettlebell back down to the ground using a straight spine and do not let the chest fall over the hips.

One-Hand Kettlebell Deadlift

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At the point when you progress from a reciprocal development to a one-sided one, you’re adding an anti-rotation component. “This implies your center is enrolled to hold your body back from rotating, because of the weight being piled aside. This is extraordinary for building greater steadiness and injury prevention.

How To Do A One-Hand Kettlebell-Deadlift?

  • Stand and keep feet at hip distance and keep a kettlebell between the arches of feet.
  • Grip the kettlebell handle using one hand, ensure that shoulders are over hips and hips are above knees.
  • Stretch the other arm to the side or in the front direction to make a fist with your hand.
  • Engage your core and keep back level, push shoulders back downward.
  • Firmly press feet into the ground, raise the kettlebell upward to stand, squeeze glutes.
  • Now get the kettlebell back down to the ground with s level spine and do not let the chest fall over the hips.
  • Change a hand or complete 6-reps before switching hands.

Kettlebell Goblet Clean

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With this specific kettlebell workout, the kettlebell should move in one straight line, like a zipper. At the top of the workout, keep your back and chest lifted, do not hunch over, and let elbows point straight down at sides.

How To Do A Kettlebell Goblet Clean?

  • Stand straight and keep feet at shoulder distance and keep a kettlebell between the feet arches.
  • Grip the kettlebell handle using both hands, ensure your shoulders are over hips and hips should be at knees.
  • Engage core and keep the back level, zip the kettlebell upward in a straight line toward the chest, holding the kettlebell at its horns.
  • Firmly lift your legs by pressing your feet into the ground.
  • Get the kettlebell back down to the ground by keeping the spine straight. Do not let the chest fall over the hips. 

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

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This kettlebell workout will help to fire up your glutes and quads, while also engage your core to manage the chest lifted. The kettlebell goblet squat is the best move to ensure that you are engaging core in a squat position.

 How To Do A Kettlebell Goblet Squat?

  • Stand and keep feet at shoulder level.
  • Hold the kettlebell using both hands near your chest.
  • Your elbows should point down to the ground.
  • Tighten your glutes and core, sit back into heels, and press the butt back downward. Ensure feet are firmly kept in place and not going above the ground.
  • Your ankles and knees should not cave inside either. Look forward and do not look up or down. Keep chest lifted and back straight. Push off heels to stand back upward to the beginning point.

Kettlebell Goblet Lunge

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It is similar to a goblet squat, the goblet lunges help to strengthen glutes and legs, but also tests your stability and balance. You wish to keep the abs tight and hips square in the whole movement. Letting your knees extended out to the sides can cause injury.

How to do a kettlebell goblet lunge?

  • Stand straight and keep feet at shoulder distance. Hold a kettlebell with both hands toward the chest.
  • Let elbows point down to the ground.
  • Engage your glutes and legs, take one big step back with your right leg, and tap your right knee toward the ground, form 2-angles of 90-degrees with back and front legs.
  • Push off using front foot and stand back upward and manage balance.
  • Change your legs or do 6-reps before switching legs.

Kettlebell Dead Clean

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When doing a dead clean, the right set-up is key. Make sure the bell is set in between your feet and back your toes so you do not raise with your back. Begin deadlift position with hips above shoulder and knees over the hips. Like this, you can generate the most power from your glutes and hips.

While many people believe they need to pull the bell upward from this position, you should be pressing with legs over the ground. The bell should come straight upward and near to the body. It helps to assume a wall in front of you and you cannot let the bell hit it.

How to do a Kettlebell Dead-Clean?

  • Stand and keep feet at a hip-length using your toes slightly turned out and keep a kettlebell within the curves of your feet.
  • Hold the kettlebell handle loosely with one hand and assure the shoulder are over the hips and hips should be over the knees.
  • Stretch the other arm to the side or in the front direction. Pushover with legs to stand and zip the kettlebell up to the waist before driving elbow back and punching the kettlebell into a rack position.
  • Keep the kettlebell near the body to prevent banging of the kettlebell. Perform 6-reps before switching sides.

Kettlebell Offset Squat

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Once you clean the kettlebell to shoulder in a rack position, you wish to make sure the wrist is level and knuckles are facing up. Assume about hooking the kettlebell using fingers. The kettlebell handle should rest diagonally over the palm and near the wrists.

How To Do A Kettlebell Offset Squat

  • Stand and keep feet at shoulder distance and hold a kettlebell in a rack position with one hand from the dead clean. Stretch your other arm in front of you or toward the other side and form a fist with your hand.
  • Engage your core and glutes, sit back into heels and push butt back down.
  • Ensure feet are firmly in place and are not raising over the ground. Your ankles and knees should not cave in either.
  • Look in the front direction and not up or down and place back straight and chest raised. Pushover your heels to stand back upward to the beginning point.
  • Perform 6-reps before switching arms.


Stimulating your handgrip strength and balance, the off-set reverse lunge forces you to retain your chest, core, and back, to stand upright.

How To Do A Kettlebell-Offset-Reverse-Lunge

  • Begin with standing straight and keep feet at shoulder distance and hold a kettlebell in a rack position with one hand from dead clean.
  • Stretch another arm in the front direction or the side. Make a fist with your hand and engage your glutes and legs, take a big step back with the opposite leg and tap knee to the ground, form to 90-degree angles with front and back legs.
  • Push off using the front foot to stand back upward and manage the balance. Change legs or complete 6-reps before switching sides.

Sumo Kettlebell Deadlift

You will wish to grab another kettlebell for this workout. Since your legs and glutes are larger muscle groups, they can manage more loads. These power-producing muscles are important for carrying heavier things and avoid injury.

How to do a Sumo-Kettlebell Deadlift

  • Stand and keep your feet at hip-width and toes lightly turned out toward sides. Keep two kettlebells between feet and grip one kettlebell handle with each hand.
  • Ensure your shoulders are over hips and hips should be above knees.
  • Engage core while keeping back level and shoulders back down. Firmly press your feet into the ground and raise the kettlebells upward to stand.
  • Get the kettlebells back down to the ground with a straight spine and do not let the chest fall back your hips.

Kettlebell Swing

As one of these workouts is a popular ballistic kettlebell workout, a strong swing starts with a firm hip hinge. Begin with the bell down over the ground in a hike position, keep your arm at distance on the floor. Some people like to assume standing plank. Do not forget to take a regular breath. Inhale as the kettlebell swing between legs and breaths out at the standing plank.

How To Do A Kettlebell Swing?

Keep feet at shoulder width and stand and kettlebell in a hike pose.

Hold the kettlebell handle loosely with your both hands.

Joining at the hips, press the butt back flat. Swing the kettlebell between legs, tightening your glutes and thighs.

Then, firmly press feet into the ground, strongly hold the kettlebell up toward chest height. Continue for at least 12-reps, then swing the kettlebell between your legs before keeping it safely back over the ground in a hike position.


Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

This single-leg-deadlift will give work to the whole posterior chain and challenge your complete balance while you are at it. Moving with control is important and make sure hips remain square to prevent injury.

How to do a single-leg kettlebell deadlift?

Stand straight with legs together and hold a kettlebell with one hand.

Lift the opposite knee at hip height.

Engage your core, gently kick your free leg outward to push hips back, and make a straight line from head to heel.

Keep a slight flex on the standing leg to balance. Engage your thighs and glutes, then pull backward leg front until torso is straight again.

Farmer’s Carry

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Nothing imitates the act of carrying heavy groceries up a flight of stairs like this turn of the farmer’s carry, which makes you walk in place. Strengthen your core as you lift your legs to your hips.

How to do a farmer’s carry

Stand and keep feet at hip-distance and hold one kettlebell in both hands at sides.

Raise one leg over the ground, flexing your knee to hip height. Get the leg down and raise the other leg off the ground and get it to hip height.

It is one rep and continues changing sides for 12-reps, standing tells with chest and back straight.


Kettlebell Goblet March

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This kettlebell workout will challenge the grip strength and forearm, also your balance. Ensure to engage the core to keep the chest raised and back straight.

How to do a Kettlebell-Goblet-March?

Stand and keep feet at hip distance.

Hold a kettlebell by the horns with both hands toward the chest.

Elbows pointing straight down to the ground. Raise one leg over the ground, flexing the knee to hip height.

Get the leg downward and raise the other leg over the ground and get it to hip height. It is one rep. Continue to alternate sides for 12 reps, standing straight with chest and back also straight.

Kettlebell Gorilla Row

Make sure to skip rounding your back with the workout. You wish to manage a flat back with a hip hinge from the whole movement to activate the right muscles and protect the lower back.

How To Do A Kettlebell Hinge Row

  • Stand and keep feet at hip-width and keep two kettlebells in between your feet facing each other and hold one handle in both hands. Ensure your shoulders are over your hips and your hips are on your knees.
  • Keep back level and press shoulders back. Then, raise one kettlebell over the ground and row to the rib cage.
  • Get the kettlebell back down to the ground and row the other kettlebell upward to the rib cage.
  • Then, get it back down. It is your one rep. Make sure to manage the hip hinge from the exercise.

Kettlebell Bent-Over Row

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Mixing up stance with the row will stimulate your back muscles differently. Its bent-over row kettlebell workout also provides an anti-rotation element for the core, forcing to manage the balance in a split stance.

How to do a kettlebell bent-over row

  • Stand at feet with hip distance. Take a step back using one leg.
  • Keep a kettlebell right next to the front foot and grip it using one hand for the same side.
  • Keep more weight on the front leg. Stretch your other arm to the front of you or side, forming a fist with your hand. It helps to prevent rotating torso and hips.
  • Join at the hip, get your torso front. Row the kettlebell to the rib cage while managing proper form. Get the kettlebell back down to the ground. Complete 6-reps before switching sides. 

Half-Kneeling Kettlebell Press

With a half-stooping position, you draw in the correct chest area muscles while assuring your back. An impossible situation for amateurs, this set-up additionally causes you to connect with your center for a more secure press. Focusing on your breathing can likewise help with this activity. Breathe in transit up and breathe out at the top.

How To Do A Half-Kneeling Kettlebell Press

Stand and keep feet at shoulder width.

Hold a kettlebell in a rack position using one arm.

Stretch the other arm in the front direction to the side and form a fist with that hand.

Take one big step back using a leg on the same side, keeping your knee on the ground. You should create two 90-degree angles with front and back legs. Engage shoulders and tighten your core, press the kettlebell upward in a straight line using the kettlebell above the head and biceps by the ears. Get the kettlebell back down to a rack pose. Complete 6-reps before switching sides.

Kettlebell Floor Press

This exercise activates the triceps more than the chest to press the kettlebell upward. Ensure the shoulder does not turn by ears and keep the kettlebell over the elbow.

How To Do A Kettlebell Floor Press

  • Lie down with your face up on an exercise mat, keep knees bent, and feet level over the ground.
  • Hold a kettlebell in one hand and the bell should be over the elbow and keep a hand over the ground to the side using palm facing downward.
  • Press the kettlebell over the chest and then get it back down to the beginning point.
  • Change arms or finish 6-reps before switching sides.

1/4 Turkish Get-Up

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Composed of a series of movements, the Turkish get-up is the latest total-body kettlebell workout. It begins with lying down over the ground to finally standing over feet. But this 1/4 variation gets you to roll over the free forearm, engaging shoulders and abs.

How to do 1/4 Turkish get-up?

  • Lie over on the side in a fetal pose and wrap hands around the kettlebell handle with top fingers on the fingers of the bottom hand. Rollover your back, grip the handle using both hands.
  • Push the kettlebell up to the ceiling with both arms. Then, transfer the weight over one hand, make sure it is stable.
  • Release free arm with palm facing down over the ground and point-free leg to a 45-degree angle.
  • Get heel of the heavy side near to butt, strongly pressing over the ground.
  • Push your foot opposite to the ground, punch the loaded arm, and rollover free forearm without shrugging shoulders to the ears.
  • Keep your chest open. Pause for one moment before lying back down over the ground. It is one rep and makes sure to keep eyes over the kettlebell from the entire movement.
  • Change arms or complete three reps before changing sides.

Half-Kneeling Halos

Keep your core tight and chest raised to get more benefits from this exercise. It will help to benefit torso stability and prevent rotation as you do a kettlebell circle.

How To Do Halos?

Bend on a yoga mat and hold a kettlebell bottom-up using hands around the chest. Let elbow point accurate toward the ground. Keep shoulder down, abs tight, chest firm, and turn kettlebell in a circle around the head to eye level. Make sure the kettlebell points go back to your head. It is your one rep.

Kettlebell Thrusters

This exercise work on shoulders and legs, this power training workout is best for heart rate increasing. Remember to keep feet strongly pressing over the ground to develop power from the ground up.

How do kettlebell thrusters?

  • Stand and keep feet at shoulder length and hold a kettlebell in one hand in the rack pose.
  • Stretch the other arm to the side or in the front direction to make a fist with your hand.
  • Keep your chest raised, sit into heels to get into a squat stance.
  • As you stand behind upward, use shoulders and legs to hold the kettlebell overhead. It is one rep. Switch arms or do 6-reps before alternating sides. Move with limitation as you squat down and take the kettlebell to a rack bearing.

How To Choose The Best Kettlebell?


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The kettlebell handle is very necessary as it helps to know which kettlebell is fitting for you. Pick a kettlebell that serves to grip you firmly without twisting muscled and also suitable for both hands to rest. The wider the width and its handle width for support and grip.


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Select a textured finish kettlebell if your hand sweating more while workout. It provides a good hold and limits the risk of slipping.


Choose a kettlebell made with high-quality and premium cast iron that has a permanent coating to guarantee it lasts long and does not crash if dropped on the floor.

Flat Bottom

Make sure the kettlebell you choose has a flat and wide bottom. It helps in maintaining when you keep it on the floor. It also helps in push-up with a kettlebell. Having a level bottom kettlebell makes it simple to collect and carry.

Weight And Size

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Kettlebells normally have a wide range of weight such as 5-80 pounds. Make sure you choose a size that is comfortable for you. Note that cast iron kettlebells get bigger with more weight, whereas competition kettlebells have the same size so matter what weight.


The kettlebell has a convenient handle To Help in different workout plans. It should be versatile so that you can perform deadlifts, squats, get-ups, cross-fit, and swings.


Of course, choose a kettlebell that comes in your budget. Check for combos, offers, kettlebell sets which may be affordable and save money.

Other Features

Apart from these, make sure the kettlebells are scratch-proof, color-coded, rust-resistant, and corrosion helps in noise reduction.

Kettlebells Exercise Benefits

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Kettlebell workouts are highly functional and similar to everyday movement. The distribution and shape of weight are more like things you would take up in reality, like a tote, grocery bags, or baby car seats. The weight does not sit evenly over both sides with a nice handle in the middle.

Moreover, kettlebells are best for growing forearm and strength of grip. Because the kettlebell handles are commonly thicker than most dumbbells, your muscles will work harder to hold onto them. The way the weight is distributed and bell movement help to challenge your grip dynamically.

Builds Strength Without Fat

Kettlebells are best for shaping a toned, lean, and firm physique with a focus on developing strength, rather than muscle bulk. They are especially best a core work, lower back, and glutes strength. Kettlebells can be utilized for deadlifting, a lighter-weight kettlebell makes for simple and efficient cardio workouts.

Instant Burn Calories

Kettlebells offer a super quick way to reduce pounds. According to a study by American-Council-on-Exercise discovered that the average person helps to burns around 20 calories every minute during a standard kettlebell exercise burns 400 calories in a 20-minutes workout.

Easy to store

Purchasing own kettlebell is best for nifty weights are considerably easy to store in own home than the dumbbell weight or barbell. Kettlebells are also affordable for more flatten than machines.

Functional Workout

Kettlebell training can also activate all muscles that you use in everyday life and make everyday activities easy and improve posture. The fluid swinging moves often used in kettlebell exercises are also easy on the joints. Therefore be kind to the body and do kettlebell exercise.

Best Mental And Physical Workout

Many kettlebells exercise also stimulate the brain. With the swift swapping of the weight between hands, the side body needs coordination and focus. It helps to stimulate mental and physical health

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