Bigger Breast – Ayurvedic Treatment For Breast Enlargement

Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medicinal treatment, is considered an alternative medicine in the Western world. Influenced heavily by Hinduism and Buddhism, ayurveda works to achieve balance and moderation in all things, including sexual intercourse, exercise, eating, and sleeping. The Sanskrit for ayurveda translates to the “science of life.”

Ayurvedic treatments for ailments include plant-based medicines as well as a few animal-based medicines such as milk, bones, and gallstones. Ayurveda also prescribes adding minerals and metals to herbal medicines; this practice is called rasa shastra. Another practice is to induce sweating and prescribe steam-based treatments to ensure the “srotas” are in proper functioning order—the srotas are channels that transport fluid in the body.

Breast enhancement surgery is one of the top plastic surgeries performed today; however, due to prolific medical problems and lawsuits with silicone breast implants and other surgical procedures for enlarging breasts in the late ’80s and ’90s, some women have turned to ayurvedic treatments with the hopes of increasing their breast size naturally. Saline is now used in breast implants instead of silicone.

Ayurvedic Methods for Increasing Breast Size

In addition to moderate exercise and plenty of rest, an ayurvedic practitioner may prescribe a number of herbs and mineral supplements to naturally increase breast size. Herbal supplements, either to ingest or to rub on the breasts, may include the following:

  • Fenugreek
  • Fennel seeds
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Haridra
  • Ashoka
  • Jatiphal
  • Gambhari
  • Sesame oil
  • Virgin coconut oil
  • Aloe vera

Fenugreek is said to mimic the effects of estrogen and stimulate prolactin production, both of which could trigger breast growth. Three compounds within fennel seed can help increase estrogen in the body as well, although no clinic trials have confirmed the seed for either safety or efficacy. Fennel seeds also are recommended to help with lactation for nursing mothers.

While oversight is needed to ensure that compounds of these herbs do not end up being toxic, a more common concern is an allergic reaction or sensitivity to any of the herbs ingested or applied to the body. When beginning an ayurvedic regimen, begin slowly and look for signs and symptoms of a reaction. Conduct your own research to ensure the safety of the compounds.

When a person ingests these herbs, the liver will break down many of them and a smaller amount will actually go to work in the body. For that reason, many suggest mixing the herbs and oils together and massaging them up to twice daily directly on the breasts. Warming them can help release the active compounds. Apply directly to the breast in a clockwise motion.

Ayurveda also recommends drinking a lot of water to ensure that the srotas can easily transport the herbs and minerals to the needed areas in the body. Eating foods high in estrogen—such as chicken head soup and carrots—is also believed to help increase breast size using the ayurvedic method.

Ayurvedic Creams

With the explosion in popularity of the ayurvedic treatment has come a variety of options for women who don’t want to select and mix herbs at home. There is a number of creams, sprays, and gels on the market for women to purchase that are already prepared. These can then simply be applied to the breast and massaged in, with less stress and hassle than finding these separate herbs and preparing the mixtures of them all on your own.

Ayurvedic Exercise for Breast Enlargement

Although there are not muscles in the breasts, exercises can strengthen the pectoral plate upon which the breasts rest, thereby making them appear higher and firmer and allowing the woman to display a bigger bust. Ayurvedic exercises include certain yoga poses and exercises, such as trikonaasana, bhujangasana, paschimuttanasana, tadasana, and more.

Ayurvedic Minerals

While minerals are often prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners, these mineral supplements may sometimes include heavy or toxic metals, such as the following:

  • arsenic
  • lead
  • mercury
  • gold
  • sulfur
  • copper sulfate

Two U.S. studies found that approximately 20 percent of patent medicines manufactured in India contained toxic levels of these metals. Because of this danger, it is important to research your sources for supplements to ensure your own safety. Pregnant or nursing women may want to avoid these altogether out of concern for lead poisoning in their infants.

The Indian government has passed a law stating that treatments must list the amounts of metal in each medicine directly on the bottle or packaging; however, regulation and enforcement of  this law may still be lacking.

Differences in Customs

Ayurveda came into being more than 5,000 years ago and, in India, approximately 80% of people visit an Ayurvedic practitioner. Surgery is a part of ayurvedic treatments; in fact, due to ayurveda, cataract surgery was possible as early as the first millennium A.D. Alcohol and opium were used as early anesthetics for surgery, and ayurveda offers four different ways for stopping bleeding: ligation, cauterization, preparations that facilitate clotting, and preparations that may constrict bleeding vessels.

Ayurveda is an accepted practice and traditional medicine in India, where it has also been used mainly to diagnose and treat fevers, diabetes, consumption, skin diseases, abcesses, tumors, and stress-related and hormonal disorders. among many other ailments. More than a hundred colleges offer degrees in this type of medicine in India. In the United States, ayurveda is more of a supplementary and alternative type of medicine, and therefore the claims of what it can achieve may be more exaggerated with less regulation and oversight.

Method of Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurveda focuses on the five elements of the body, earth, water, fire, air, and space. By making sure these elements of the body are in balance, good health can rise. Ayurvedic practitioners use their five senses to diagnose illness within the body, i.e., using hearing to check heartbeat and respiration and using sight to check skin health and bowel irregularities. Regardless of studies, there is truth that a moderate diet and lifestyle that promotes balance can improve health.

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