Diet And Fitness

28 Best Exercises to Increase Height and Become Taller

Everyone wishes to have a lean body with attractive height. Several factors contribute to a good height. Apart from a healthy lifestyle, and diet, some physical exercise plays an important role in building bones, extending the spinal column and increasing height. You can try playing outdoor sports or another physical […]

Effective Breathing Exercises For Healthy Lungs

The lungs are an important part of the human body. These are the pair of air-filled and spongy organs located above your chest on both sides. The windpipe (trachea) is responsible for holding inhaled air into the lungs from its tubular branches identified as bronchi. The bronchi are divided into […]

BMR Calculator for Weight Loss – How to Use It

BMR refers to the basal metabolic rate, which is the total number of calories that your body requires to do basic functions. These basal functions include breathing, circulation, nutrient processing, cell production, iron transport, and protein synthesis. The basal metabolic rate calculation requires a mathematical formula. Basal Metabolic Rate and […]