Best Exercises to Lift Breasts Naturally

Breast health is also important as any part or organ of the human body. No matter which is the breast size, it is difficult to keep it healthy if you do not care about them. A good and healthy breast is firm and lifted. Unhealthy lifestyle and inactive lifestyle cause breast to saggy and loose.

The breast is made of fat tissues so, when you gain weight, your breast size expands due to the fat cells in the breasting enlarging. When you lose weight or have aged, or have childbirth, the fatty muscle and skin in the chest part are lower and start to slump or sag. This sagging is pure because the ligaments of the breast lose their elasticity, and there is no way to stop this from happening regardless of age.

If you see that breast starting to look loose or sag, or if you wish to enhance chest look, there are some exercises to do at home to firm, lift, and tone your chest part. Many women pay special attention to cardio workouts to burn fat and keep the heart healthy but avoid weight training because of the misconception that it will result in lower than feminine bulk. Contrary to famous belief, spending time increasing chest muscles will firm and raise your breast without increasing your weight.

Let’s find out exercises to lift breasts naturally:

Dumbbell Bench Press

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It is an effective exercise for lifting the breast as it primarily focuses on the muscles of the chest.

How to do it?

Lie down on the back over a bench, hold a dumbbell in both hands. Your palm should face your feet.

Get your legs down toward the floor if they are high up toward the air.

Take a deep breath and push the dumbbells over your chest by stretching elbows till your arms get straight.

Get the dumbbells back downward.

Engage core and push them upward again.

Perform 10-12 reps.


The bench press targets the pectoralis major, which is present under the breast. However, the effect that the workout has on the breasts is less. Strengthening the pecs may provide extra benefits of including a slight lift to some female breasts. If you are one of those females who is not afraid to include some muscle in the body, you can use the bench press to develop chest muscle. The result muscles will give more compact cleavage and press into the breasts from the back and lift your breast.



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Push-ups exercise is another good exercise for lifting breasts naturally. It works on pectoral muscles. This workout is best not only for abs but also work for biceps and chest muscles.

How to do it?

Take plank position and keep palms flat. Let palm face toward floor and elbows flex and should be apart.

Lower down your body by flexing elbows and let your chest reach the floor. The upper arms should form a 45-degree angle with the floor.

Push back toward the beginning point.

Repeat at least 20 times.


Doing a push-up will work on the muscle tissue back of breast tissue, not on the actual mass of the breast, so you meanwhile you will not see any increase in size, you will notice the increase in tighten and muscle tone in the breast surrounding area. By toning the surrounding part and working over the muscles back of your breast tissue, you will be able to lift breast tissue that has begun to sag because of age, childbirth, and weight loss.


Push-ups With Medicine Ball

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These are the same as standard push-ups but are performed with a medicine ball. This workout target core and chest muscles.

How to do it?

Get into the standard push-up position, and instead of keeping the palms over the floor, keep them over a medicine ball.

Make sure that the medicine ball is under your chest. Hold it strongly with both hands. Your body should create a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders.

Lower down your body, engage the core, and make sure your chest reaches the medicine ball and hold this pose.

Go back to the previous pose by stretching your arms. Avoid releasing the medicine ball.

Avoid flexing knees. Make sure your whole body is balanced over your toes.

Perform 20 reps.


Like standard pushups, this workout boost shoulder and chest muscles. Additionally, you stimulate twice the core muscles when you do a workout like a pushup and a plank over an unstable surface like the stability ball. The pushup is a functional workout using your body as resistance instead of weights. Such workouts need extra muscles to get activated, like core muscles and stabilizers during the movement. In this way, a pushup works on extra muscles than a bench press. When you include the need for balance, you also raise the muscle fiber activation. This workout is also best for shoulder stabilization.


Wall Push-ups

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Doing wall push-ups also increases chest and shoulder muscles strength. It is a very easy workout to lift the breast naturally.

How to do it?

Stand in front of the wall and keep palms on the wall, at shoulder width.

Flex elbows and lean toward the wall till the chest reaches it.

Push back to the beginning point and perform 4-5 sets of 20 reps.


This exercise Only benefits to strengthen chest muscles. Strengthening chest muscles is helpful to lift breasts because breast size increases when you gain weight.


Inverted Wall Push-Up

This is a whole-body workout to strengthen and tone the pectoral muscle.

Keep feet near to the wall and put hands slightly wider than shoulder-width distance.

Walk feet up with the wall till you get the desired angle for a push-up. Your body should remain straight from the ankles to the ears.

Lower chest and chin in a push-up posture.

Stretch your arms and push yourself back toward the beginning point.

Perform 3-sets of 20 reps.

Dumbbell Fly

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This exercise also helps to lift the breast as it primarily targets pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Lie over your back on a bench, resting your upper back. Your body should be parallel to the ground, feet flat, and knees bent over the ground.

Hold a dumbbell in both hands.

Tighten core, breathing deeply, and lift arms over the chest. Your palm must be facing each other.

Flex elbows gently and lower the dumbbells like hands are in line with the chest.

Lift the dumbbells over the backup

Do 20 times.


Surgical implants are indeed expensive ways to improve breast shape and size. A good diet and exercise help to lift the breast and improve fuller appearance.

If you visit the gym sometimes, you might know that pec decks were considered the ultimate chest workout for well-shaped and firmer breasts.

Some female refrain from chest workout thinking they will lose the fat around their breasts, which make them a size smaller.

Similarly, dumbbell flyes exercise helps to prevent sagging and strengthen the breast more firmly.

Chest Pass

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The chest pass is also a good exercise to do at home for perkier breasts.

How to do it?

Lie over your back on the floor.

Take a medicine ball using both hands and keep it over the chest.

Keep your abs engaged and throw the ball high up.

Catch it using your arms straightened and get it back to your chest.

Perform 3-sets of 10 reps each.


The medicine ball chest pass develops strength and boosts power from the shoulders, chest, and arms while increasing cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

Rear Lateral Raise

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The rear lateral raises are also known as bent-over lateral raises. It is a workout that raises strength and growth size. It works on the chest and shoulder areas of the body.

How to do it?

  • Stand straight and manage feet near each other.
  • Hold a separate dumbbell in both hands and stretch hands front.
  • Flex knees and move hip back till your body is level to the floor.
  • Raise arms straight out to the sides.
  • Take a pause and then come back to the beginning point.


Strengthening upper back and shoulder muscles helps to develop strength in the rear deltoids and upper body. On an aesthetic level, strong deltoids will benefit the upper body and make it toned and strong.

Strengthening upper back or shoulder muscles helps to develop strength in the rear deltoids and upper body. On an aesthetic level, toned, stronger, and upper body look bigger.


Elbow Squeezes

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This exercise also helps to lift the breast by working on chest muscles. It also makes the breast smooth and firm. It will need dumbbells for this workout.

How to do it?

Stand straight and flex forward lightly and hold a dumbbell in both hands.

Raise the dumbbells in a position like arms to form parallel toward the floor and the elbows and arms towards the midline of the body. Avoid dropping the weight to drop.

Squeeze them for some seconds and open arms wide again.

Go back toward the beginning point.

Perform 15 reps.


Medicine Ball Superman

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This workout is performed with a solid medicine ball and is best for lifting breasts. This exercise target core and pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Lie down over your stomach, stretch your arms overhead to hold a medicine ball strongly. Stretch legs and the toes should reach the ground.

Breathe deeply, engage core and chest muscles to lift head, legs, and hands simultaneously, and raise the medicine ball over the ground.

Avoid straining neck and keep head up and look front.

Hold this pose for 10 seconds and drop the ball, hands, head, and legs.

Do 20 reps.


Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

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It is another effective workout to lift the sagging breasts by toning the upper pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Adjust the bench in an inclined pose at 30-4 angle degrees. Lie over back on the bench with knees bent and feet level over the floor.

Hold a pair of dumbbells in both hands. Breath out and push them straight up, directly over the chest. Make sure that your wrist is straight and the dumbbells should almost reach each other, and arms must be perpendicular toward the floor.

Hold for some seconds, and pull them back toward the chest.

Perform 3-sets of 3 reps.


Barbell Bench Press

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This is a well-known chest area toning exercise that uses the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and rear arm muscles. Utilize a low-weight barbell weight to Lift breast.

How to do it?

Lie over a bench and keep feet flat over the ground.

Hold a barbell across your chest using arms slightly more than shoulder distance.

Engage the chest and core muscles and push the barbell up from the chest and stretch arms completely.

Hold it for some time and go back to the beginning point.

Repeat this 3 times for 15 counts each.


Dumbbell Pullover

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All the pectoral muscles are completely involved in pulling over a dumbbell. Weight training, boost muscle mass. But when you choose a workout that needs the muscles to expand under load you raise the muscle gain. The overhead reach needs by the pullover movement, which stretches the chest muscles.

How to do it?

Lie over a bench and try walking in the front direction till you form 90-degree angle with the bench.

Rest on your shoulder blades over the bench. Keep your back straight, knees flexed at 90 degrees, and feet level over the floor.

Hold the dumbbell with both hands and keep it straight over the chest.

Place arms straight and flex at the shoulders, lower the dumbbells in an arc back your head.

Take a breath and feel the stretch in the chest.

Get the dumbbell back to the beginning point using a similar arc from which it was lowered and breathe out.

Repeat the similar for 12 counts 2-3 times.


Butterfly Machine

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Doing butterfly machine exercise helps to strengthen core pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Adjust the machine according to sitting height and rest back over the back pad.

Hold the handles as if your upper arms are level to the ground.

Push the handles together, exhale slowly to squeeze chest muscles completely.

Breath in and go back to the beginning point by stretching chest muscles completely

Perform 3 sets & 12 reps each.


Cable Oblique Twist

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The basic muscles involved in this workout are the abdominal muscles, the hip flexors, and obliques, and pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Set the handle of the cable pulley to your shoulder height

Hold the handle with both hands, create pressure in the cable.

Stand over the right side and machine and hold the attachment with both hands and shoulder-width apart.

Place knees slightly flex and engage your chest and core muscles, pull the cable near the left side, by stretching arms.

Move your upper body from the right to your left side.

Take a pause and go back to the beginning point.

Perform 10 reps over every side and repeat from left to right for 3 sets each.

Cable Crossover

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It is a good exercise for toning pectoral muscles and lifting breasts.

How to do it?

Set the handles of the pulleys of the machine over both sides to the highest levels.

Stand in the mid of the machine. Make sure feet are at shoulder distance.

Flex torso at the waist and step forward while you pull the handles in front of the chest, toward the body. Ensure to engage the core and keep the spine neutral, and keep back straight. Your elbows should be lightly flexed and your wrists should face the floor.

Breath in and stretch arms till you feel a good stretch in chest muscles.

Breath out and come back to the beginning point.

Perform 3-set and 15-reps each.

Travelling Plank

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It is also an effective workout to lift the breast and increase complete body strength. It also tones your pectoral muscles.

How to do it?

Lie down over stomach, keep knees flexed and flat. Your elbows should be directly under shoulders, the forearms over the ground, and feet at hip-width.

Tighten core and glute muscles and raise abs and hips to the ceiling. Make sure to keep hips square to shoulders. Imagine the plank position.

Crawl forward in the plank position by raising your right leg and left arm. Ensure the palms are facing down and the forearms are relaxed during lifting.

Bent and stretch other arm and leg also.

Perform 3-sets of 15-reps each.


Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

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Doing Bhujangasana is the best way to strengthen chest muscles.

How to do it?

Lie down level over stomach using down. Stretch arms overhead.

Pull hands near the body, with the palms facing the floor. Keep them under the shoulders and near the chest.

Let your feet relax and hip muscle while pressing backbone and raise your body from the shoulders.

Take a normal breath, hold for some seconds and repeat.

Perform 3-sets of 20-reps each.


Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

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It helps to create a good shape for the breast, strengthen and straighten the spine and back.

How to do it?

Lie down flat over stomach using face down.

Keep palms over the floor, under your shoulder, and close to your chest.

Flex knees and pull stoles near butts to hold the ankles with the hands.

Engage your leg muscles and push the feet backward and up while raising your chest and head without straining your neck.

Hold this position for 10-seconds.

Release your legs first, and then relax your whole body.



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Swimming is an effective and complete body workout. It needs the pectoral muscles to move hands back and front. The more you use chest muscles, the more you can tone and lift your breast.

Important Tips for Breast Health and Keep it Lifted

Not only exercise, but some healthy tweaks are also necessary for breast health. Let’s find out important tips for breast health:

Support Your Set

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If you do not provide proper support from the right fitting bra, that delicate breast tissue will begin to stretch and sag sooner than you expect. It is estimated that a whopping 80% of females are wearing the wrong bra size, so get measured for bras at least once a year bra size change because of weight gain or loss. Additionally, make sure to wear a sports bra while exercising. If a bra is loose or has too tight elastic, then it is not good support. Try replacing the bra every 6-months.

Manage Your Weight

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Being overweight is also one of the risk factors for sagging breast and breast cancer in some cases. But you can reverse the risk by managing a healthy weight.

Know Your Breasts

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The American-Cancer-Society-(ACS) does not suggest self-exams these days because there is now evidence to show they are good. Most cancers are caught because of signs, not these routine exams. Additionally, they can stimulate panic and unimportant tests. The new term is breast self-awareness helps you understand your breast health and manage everything accordingly.

Don’t Ignore Breast Skin

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How you care about face skin and body, it is important to pay special attention to breast skin. It may also get itchy, dry, and sensitive like other skin. It happens because it is delicate and thinner than other body parts and more likely to get wrinkles. For soft skin of the breast, use a good moisturizer where breast skin is exposed. Using sunscreen also prevents collagen breakdown due to sun exposure.

Skip the Soda

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Sugary foods and beverages can cause obesity, which affects breast health also. Try to maintain a healthy diet full of fresh and healthy foods to have firm and lifted breasts.

Know Your Family History

Family history is also connected to breast health and the increasing risk of problems. Check with your mom and other female family members to find out your breast health history to prevent further problems.

Stress Less

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Stress is never good for anyone; it increases the risk of silent growing diseases and problems in the body. According to a 2019 study on mice and issued in the Journal-of-Clinical-Investigation, researchers discovered that chronic stress stimulates the epinephrine hormone, which boosts lactate dehydrogenase enzyme that is essential for flight or fight stress response. More of this enzyme induce breast cancer in stem cells.

Get Vitamin D

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Get regular vitamin D to prevent other breast problems. Get vitamin D from early morning sunlight or take vitamin D from an expert physician to lower the risk. You can also get vitamin D from foods like egg yolks, milk, cheese, and salmon.

Does wearing a bra during the night prevent sagging?

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Wearing a bra during the night does not stop breasts from sagging. Because you will be lying, your breast will not get affected by gravity. There is also a belief that wearing a bra every time can cause weakness for supporting breast tissue, and making them more prone to sag.

Does braless prevent sagging?

Not wearing a bra does not prevent sagging. Sagginess occurs from estrogen and collagen loss, which naturally occur as your age increases. The best thing that you can do is to manage a healthy lifestyle, healthy BMI, and skip over changes in body weight and skip smoking.

Can sagging breast lift up again?

It depends on your age and several factors. If the breast does not lift with exercise and diet, then surgery is the option. 

Final words

Try these exercises and follow the above tips. Do exercises three times a week for effective results. Note that it will take some time to list chest muscles. Additionally, doing these workouts helps to keep up a healthy lifestyle.


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