Best Patanjali Products For Weight Loss

Weight gain problem is face by many people due to an unhealthy and stressful life, hormones imbalance, junk foods, medicine consumption without prescription, sedentary lifestyle, ill-timed eating routine are some factors causing weight gain. Every third person is overweight. We require to realize the essentials for a healthy and fit body.

The hectic, busy, workaholic life of the town, unwittingly or wittingly makes one consume fried, tasty, fatty, and most importantly, ready to consume food. For such a calorie-containing meal to get digested, one needs to aware of the essential workout and yoga asanas. People require to know and remember certain things that are done without information. It is not determination or a loss in that department that affects us to keep on weight or lose. It is an unfortunate tendency we acknowledge, such as going out to work without a proper breakfast and them munching over some burger or chips.

Researches indicated that what matters is not only what we consume but also when we consume. We should always try to consume healthy food in a necessary amount than unhealthy food even in chunks. A newly discovered coping strategy these days is overconsumption.

So How You Know You Are Overweight?

  • Snore more
  • Increased sweating
  • Back and joint pains
  • Frequent nature’s call
  • Feel Lethargic and Tired
  • Increased hunger
  • Increased BMI

Other factors contributing to weight gain include

  • Irregular routine
  • Mental stress
  • Energy usage imbalance
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Eating more sweets and sugary drinks
  • Intake of fatty food
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Eat more fresh and fibrous food
  • Have healthy changes in lifestyle
  • Protein-rich food and sprouts with chop carbs.
  • Do regular yoga and physical workout
  • Lower sugar Calorie consumption


Divya Medohar Vati

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How It Aids Weight Loss

These Ayurvedic capsules help to prevent thyroid problem, promote metabolism, help digestive problems, protects the liver, and remove toxins from the body. Here is the ingredient of Divya Medohar Vati.


Let’s have a brief look at the ingredients of Divya Medohar Vati.


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Amla is a popular superfruit in India. It is the richest source of vitamin C, which helps in weight loss. Apart from that, it also regulates diabetes, promotes digestion, enhances eye health, improves brain function, and increases immunity.


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Harad is a common herb in India. It is used in ayurvedic health remedies. It consists of minerals like vitamin C, selenium, copper, and iron that help with weight loss. It also prevents constipation and improves the gastrointestinal tract and immunity.


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Baheda is a classical ayurvedic ingredient. It is extremely beneficial for respiratory health. It is a rejuvenating dry fruit that leads to miraculous Triphala formulation. This herb promotes weight loss by enhancing digestion, relieving constipation, boost immunity, regulate diabetes, relieve inflammation, and regulate diabetes.


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Guggul is a gum resin taken from different plants belongs to Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. It is an important ayurvedic treatment for ages to treat different health conditions like arthritis, obesity, and inflammation.

This herb consists of plant compounds like essential oils, steroids, flavonoids, lignans, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Its antioxidants properties protect against various diseases.



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Kutaki is another herb that belongs to the northern Himalayas in India. The leaf, plant, and its bark, mainly rhizomes are used for Ayurvedic medicine.

Kutaki is primarily used for liver problems like jaundice as it helps to save the liver against cell damage occurred by free radicals from hepatoprotective and antioxidative properties.



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Shilajit is a sticky thing present in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops from centuries from the plant go slow decomposition. It is also a safe and effective supplement for overall well-being. It benefits heart health, iron deficiency anemia, infertility, aging, high altitude, Alzheimer’s, and chronic fatigue syndrome.


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Vidanga is another herbal ingredient that looks similar to black pepper. It is used to remove worms and parasites from the stomach. It is helpful for indigestion and also helps to regulate constipation because of the laxative property. Taking this vidanga churna helps to manage weight by reducing lipid levels and increase metabolism in the body. It also prevents free radical cell damage in the heart from antioxidants. It also improves mood and prevents stress.



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Babool is a popular Ayurvedic plant known with strong medicinal properties. Acacia arabica or babool is grown in sandy and dry places of India. Primarily it helps to clean teeth, gum, and lower plaque inflammation.

It also provides medicinal properties like antihistaminic, antibacterial, astringent, anti-inflammation, and hemostatic.



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Nisoth is also called Indian Jalap, a medicinal herb with several health benefits. There are two different plants like white and black with dried roots that are used in ayurvedic medicine. The Nisoth churna helps to promote bowel movements when consumed with warm water as it provides laxative properties. It also treats fever, hyperacidity, and prevents gastrointestinal problems. It is generally recommended for monitoring blood glucose and sudden blood sugar drop.

How To Use

Consume these capsules with water 30 minutes before lunch or breakfast.


Obesity, weight gain, hyperlipidemia, and joint pains. 

Storage Instructions:

Store the product in a dry and cool place.


Safety Information:

  • Read the product label thoroughly before use.
  • Do not surpass the suggested dose.
  • Keep away from reach and sight of children. 


Take 3-tablets, 2-times a day or according to Ayurveda expert recommendation.

Patanjali’s Medohar Vati: Side effects

So far there are no side effects reported, still, watch out for common side effects:

Overdose may suppress hunger at high levels.

If you do not follow the recommended dosage, you may experience nausea and dizziness.

While it helps to promote metabolism, overconsumption may toss digestion and metabolism.

Raise Hyperthyroidism (Extremely rare)

Patanjali Aloe Vera Juice

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How It helps Weight Loss

Aloe vera juice help weight loss by increasing digestion, lower cholesterol, lower diabetes risk, boost immunity.

Note: If you think that you can consume aloe vera gel straight from the plant in the kitchen, think again.

Doing this can expose you to microbial infection and other possible side effects of eating the pulp directly. Hence, Patanjali aloe vera juice is a safer weight loss.


Aloe Vera

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Generally, aloe vera is a helpful ingredient from dropping pounds but also keeps you healthy. This plant has been used for several healthy beauty purposes. It also helps to treat stomach problems.

Adding aloe vera supplement helps to burn calories and boost weight loss.

It also supports blood sugar control and assists in weight loss. Improved blood sugar prevents sudden crashes and spikes in sugar levels, which prevent hunger and cravings.

How To Use

Add aloe vera juice to one glass of water and consume it first in the morning.


Consume 20-25 mL of the juice, 1-2 times every day.

Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel: Side Effects

Here are less common side effects:

  • Poor Appetite
  • Nausea
  • Disrupted metabolism
  • Uneasiness
  • Hepatotoxicity (due to preservatives)
  • Constipation

Patanjali Amla Juice

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How It Aids Weight Loss

Amla juice is extracted from amla or the Indian gooseberry. These green, bitter, round, sour fruits consist of vitamin c that boosts immunity, improves kidney function, and manages blood sugar.



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Amla juice is also named Indian gooseberry. It is a healthy ingredient for weight loss and fat burning. This miraculous berry treats digestive system problems and promotes metabolism. A good metabolism is essential for burning calories.

How To Use

Drink amla juice with water in the morning.


25 mL of juice, 1-2 times every day.

Patanjali Amla Juice: Side effects

Overconsumption of Amla juice may cause:

  • Nausea
  • Low sugar levels
  • Poor appetite
  • Low blood pressure
  • Poor digestion

While these side effects are very rare and temporary, it is always good to know these facts.

Moreover, no fatalities have been shown because of overconsumption of amla juice. Therefore, it is extremely safe and can be taken by any healthy individual.

Patanjali Karela Amla Juice

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How It help Weight Loss

Patanjali karela amla juice consists of Indian gooseberry and bitter gourd. This juice helps to clean the blood, manage high blood sugar, kill worms in the intestine, boost immunity, lower toxins lower bloating, and inflammation.



Bitter Gourd

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Bitter melon is the best addition to a weight loss diet, as it is low in calories yet has high fiber. It consists of nearly 2 grams of fiber in each one-cup serving.

Fiber passes from the digestive tract very slowly, helps to keep you fuller for more time, and lowers appetite and hunger.

Therefore, changing higher calorie ingredients with bitter melon could help increase your fiber consumption and lower calories to boost weight loss. Some research also indicates that bitter melon can have good effects on weight loss and fat burning.

How To Use

Include 10-20 mL of karela amla juice in a glass of water and consume it before lunch and dinner.


Nearly 20 mL of juice, 1-2 times every day.


Patanjali Honey

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How It helps eight Loss

Patanjali Honey is best for making a honey and lime morning drink. The antioxidant and antiseptic properties help to clear toxins, fat mobilization, and improve the immune system. The antibacterial properties also help to stop sinusitis and bacterial infection and keep your skin flawless.



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Honey is the natural and best source that will help to lower weight. Everyone wants to have high-quality honey that may help to reach the desired goal. There are ample companies that make honey and Patanjali is one of them which is a top manufacturer where you can purchase pure honey.

Honey helps to manage blood sugar and lower weight. It is a good ingredient to lower weight when combined with lemon.

How To Use

Include one tablespoon of honey in 370 ml water with half lime juice. Mix and drink it first in the morning.


1-2 tablespoons per day.


Patanjali Pushtahar Dalia

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How It Help Weight Loss

It contains dietary fiber like pearl millet, rice, wheat, split green grains, which help to add bulk to stool. In return, it helps flush out the toxins from the colon. The dietary fiber from these grains also boosts satiety, thereby lower hunger pangs. Patanjali Dalia is also good in trace important minerals that promote complete health.


Pearl millet

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Millets are popular for weight loss. These millets consist of rich nutrients like fiber, protein, calcium, and magnesium. These also contain iron, which is more than a serving of rice. Pearl millets are also recommended for consumption to treat the constipation problem and help with the digestive system.


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Rice consists of low fat and easy to digest as it is a gluten-free grain that provides vitamin B also.  White rice is considered unhealthy for weight watchers and health freaks because of this tendency to pack in a high quantity of starch and rich calories. It can be cooked in different ways and widely found at an affordable price.


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Wheat can also a superfood. It consists of amylopectin A, a super starch for extremely fattening. It also consists of high calories. Therefore, it needs to mix with other foods and get health benefits. 

Split green grains

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Moong dal also consist of split yellow bean. It also helps in weight loss because it has low protein and fiber to satiate for a long time. 

How To Use

You can prepare porridge, and grind it and prepare savory pancakes, or use the flour to make flatbread or chapatis. 


1-2 cups


Patanjali Lauki-Amla Juice

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How It Help Weight Loss

Patanjali Lauki Amla juice consists of bottle gourd, gooseberry, mint, and tulsi. The mineral and vitamins present in this juice help in weight loss by promoting immunity, metabolism, and lower gut problems.



Bottle gourd



How To Use

Include 75 mL – 100 mL of this juice in water and take it first thing in the morning.


75 mL – 100 mL


Patanjali Lauki Amla Juice: Side effects 

Here are some common side effects:
Common side effects include:


Poor Metabolism

Loose stools and Diarrhea

Loss of taste


Loss of Appetite


Patanjali Wheatgrass Powder

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How It Help Weight Loss

Patanjali wheatgrass powder is a convenient and good way for weight loss. This powder helps in detoxification, lowers stress, and promotes immunity.



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Wheatgrass is a type of food prepared from the Triticum aestivum plant. It is a super healthy food with benefits. It is generally consumed as a fresh juice, but it also comes in form of powder. Fresh wheatgrass juice is recognized as living food.

Health-conscious has long raved about various benefits of wheatgrass. It can be used as a daily health medicine and may even help to treat critical diseases. More study is required to determine its efficacy, but researchers acknowledge that wheatgrass gives possible benefits.

Consuming wheatgrass can promote metabolism and help with weight loss. It’s an outstanding choice if you are tracking weight because it is low in fat and calories.

Wheatgrass is a nutrient-dense food, which makes you fuller faster for a long time. It helps to lower craving. It also provides a high level of enzymes, which assist in digestion by breaking down food and absorb all nutrients and improve digestion.

This wheatgrass helps to cleanse the intestine and prevent bloating, less gas, and abdominal discomfort. It helps to relieve constipation, digestive issues, and irritable bowel.

How To Use

Include it in smoothies or drinks or water.


Take this powder as directed by the ayurvedic doctor.


Patanjali Divya Peya


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How It Aids Weight Loss

Divya Peya is a herbal tea containing Ashwagandga, Laung, amla, tulsi, somata, and Arjun bark. These ingredients help to increase energy, digestion, and boost cholesterol levels and act as diuretics. These ingredients also boost excess fat burning.



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Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng. It is used as an Ayurvedic supplement and for several medicinal purposes. It helps to deal with various issues like depression, anxiety, weakness, arthritis, neurogenerative problems.

This herb is effective for energy-boosting and treating weak immunity. It helps in the weight loss process by promoting immunity. It also fights inflammation from its anti-bacterial properties.

Ashwagandha provides good antioxidants needed for weight loss and speed up metabolism for fat burning.

Stress is the foremost cause of weight gain due to increased cortisol levels. Ashwagandha helps to relieve stress and helps in weight loss.

This herb also helps to regulate the cortisol levels and adrenal glands, which benefits the nervous system. It increases overall energy and boosts during exercise. Other benefits include blood circulation, iron, fatigue, and promote sleep.


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Cloves help to stimulate metabolism and weight loss. The spice also provides anti-lipids and anti-cholesteric properties. When this powerful spice is mixed with cinnamon, pepper, and cumin seeds, it helps to boost metabolic rate, which helps to reduce weight.

Arjun bark

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Arjun bark also a helpful ingredient for weight loss. It is a bark of an Arjun tree, widely grown in India. It provides medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-microbial. Its benefit to lower heart disease risk, manage high blood pressure.


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Tulsi is also named holy basil, a beneficial herb in Ayurveda. It possesses medicinal and healing properties as stated in ancient texts. Generally, it helps to treat cold and cough and also assists in weight loss. Drinking tulsi tea boost digestion and reduce inflammation.

How To Use

Include 1 tsp of Divya Herbal Peya in one cup of boiled water and steep it for 5 minutes before consuming.


2-3 cups per day.


Patanjali Divya Peya: Side effects

Anything extra can cause side effects. This product is generally not reported for side effects. Here are common side effects if consumed excess.




Loss of appetite

Poor digestion


Patanjali Triphala Churna


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How It Help Weight Loss

Triphala Churna Consist of Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. Patanjali Triphala Churna (powder) helps decrease constipation problems. This, in turn, helps improve metabolism and digestion.


Amalaki (Amla)


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Haritaki is a tree that belongs to southern India and Asia. It is also called chebulic myrobalan, the dehydrated fruit of this tree has a long story in Ayurveda. It helps o support Vata dosha. It helps with indigestion and constipation allergies.

This herb consists of rich vitamin C and anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


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Bibhitaki is a bigger deciduous medicinal tree, provides high value in traditional medicines like Unani and Ayurveda. This fruit consist of compounds like tannins, beta-sitosterol, Gaelic, elegiac acid, and ethyl. It provides laxative and astringent properties. It also improves strength and stamina.

How To Use

Include the powder in a glass of water and consume it.


As mentioned on the label.

Will Patanjali Products Work Effectively for weight loss?

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It may work for some and may not for some because weight loss depends on many factors. Whoever finds it suitable for health, it will work.

It will effectively work if you sleep enough, work out regularly, and follow a healthy diet.

If you consume a high dose and do not follow a healthful lifestyle, then you will not get effective results.

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