A person who avoids meat and eats only fish and seafood with a vegetarian diet is called a Pescatarian.
There are different reasons people choose to forgo poultry and meat, but still, eat fish.
Some people choose to include fish in a vegetarian diet so they can get the benefits of the health of a plant-based diet with heart-healthy fish.
Others might be trying to manage the impact of the environment on their diet. For some people, it is only a matter of taste.
The term Pescatarian was introduced in the 1990s. It is a combination of the Italian word for fish, ” Pesce’, and the word vegetarian. Sometimes it is spelled as Pescetarian which means the same thing.
According to scientific literature, this die is often explained ad Pesco-vegetarian and is lumped into the range of vegetarianism. It is a highly plant-based diet of nuts, whole grains, produce, legumes, and healthy fats with seafood playing an important role as a primary protein source.
Many pescatarians also consume eggs and dairy.
Pescatarian Diet Foods
Table of Contents
A balanced Pescatarian diet has a wide variety of food from all types of food groups. Stick with whole foods and limited to get all health benefits.
Foods You Should Eat​
Oranges are the best source of vitamin C. They provide different healthy nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, fiber, and folate. Additionally, they are easily available.
Bitter oranges, such as bergamot and Seville are utilized basically for the important oils present in their skin. For example, the oil of bergamot provides Earl Grey tea with its distinctive flavor.
Orange Nutrition Facts
One navel orange provides 73 calories, 1.3g of protein, 0.2g of fat, and 16.5g of carbs. Oranges are the best source of fiber, vitamins C, and potassium.
Calories: 73
Sodium: 13mg
Fat: 0.2g
Sugars: 12g
Carbohydrates: 16.5g
Fiber: 2.8g
Vitamin C: 82.7mg
Protein: 1.3g
Calcium: 60.2mg
Potassium: 232mg
Bananas are high in carbohydrates; you may be wondering whether they are healthy fruit to consume. Bananas are made up of mostly complex carbohydrates, including resistant start, which provide digestive health benefits. The potassium and vitamins in bananas are best for blood pressure and complete health.
Banana Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 105
- Sodium: 1.2mg
- Fat: 0.4g
- Fiber: 3.1g
- Sugars: 14.4g
- Potassium: 422mg
- Magnesium: 31.9mg
- Carbohydrates: 27g
- Protein: 1.3g
- Vitamin C: 10.3mg
Berries are also weighted loss-friendly food. Everyone gets challenges that are particular to their weight loss journey. Your life situations, stress, time, finances, body image, and genetics can all become barriers to healthy weight loss, but that does not mean you cannot work towards limiting them. Most people can feel to encounter roadblocks when trying to reach their weight loss goals. Those who are successful at reducing weight and keeping it are the ones who learn to break from their weight loss barriers as they increase.
- Calories:Â 43
- Manganese:Â 32% of the RDI
- Vitamin C:Â 35% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
- Copper:Â 8% of the RDI
- Vitamin K1:Â 25% of the RDI
- Folate:Â 6% of the RDI
Kiwi is a tiny fruit that packs many nutritional benefits. Sometimes called Chinese gooseberries, kiwifruit, originated in China before spreading to New Zealand, the United States, and Europe.Â
Kiwi Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 42
- Fat: 0.4g
- Sodium: 3.8mg
- Fiber: 2.1g
- Protein: 0.8g
- Sugars: 6.7g
- Carbohydrates: 10.1g
- Vitamin C: 56mg
- Potassium: 148mg
People get their favorites when it comes to melon, and every variety of melon consists of some best nutritional properties. Let’s focus on melons people are their favorites when it is to melon, and every variety of melon has some best nutritional properties.
- Calories: 60
- Sodium: 28mg
- Fat:Â 0.3g
- Fiber:Â 1.6g
- Protein:Â 1.5g
- Vitamin C: 65mg
- Sugars:Â 14g
- Carbohydrates:Â 14.4g
- Vitamin A: 299.1mcg
- Potassium: 472.6mg
Carrots are the crunchy and best choice. These veggies have full vitamin A, K, and potassium. Although carrots are a root vegetable, they are not as high in carbohydrates as many other root veggies. Carrot includes a pop of color and a range of helpful nutrients for soups, salads, and side dishes.
Carrot Nutrition Facts
One medium-sized carrot offers 25 calories, 6g carbohydrates, 0g fat, and 0.5 protein. Carrots are the best source of fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin A.
- Calories: 25
- Fat: 0g
- Carbohydrates: 6g
- Sodium: 42mg
- Sugars: 2.9g
- Protein: 0.5g
- Vitamin A: 509mcg
- Vitamin K: 8mcg
- Fiber: 1.5g
It is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the brassica genus of plants. It is a type of flower and has a thick, middle stalk with grayish-green leaves and green florets. It is versatile and good to get from the most grocery store.
Broccoli is considered to be one of the very nutritious vegetables and when cooked in the right way, it can be a very delicious addition to a meal plan.
Broccoli Nutrition Facts
Calories: 31
Sodium: 30mg
Fat: 0.3g
Fiber: 2.4g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Protein: 2.5g
Sugars: 1.5g
Potatoes are high in starch and have grown a bad reputation due to the popularity of Paleo diets and low carb. However, carbohydrates are not a bad source of energy. Potatoes are affordable and vers8, which can be stored for a long time, and good source of vitamin c, potassium, and fiber.
Potato Nutrition Facts
Calories: 164
Sodium: 24mg
Protein: 4.6g
Fat: 0.2g
Carbohydrates: 37g
Fiber: 4g
Sugars: 1.9g
Sweet Potatoes
Image SourceThese have low glycemic and are suitable for a less sugar eating plan. The cooking methods and other ingredients may affect the healthiness factor.
Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 162
- Sodium: 71mg
- Fat: 0.1g
- Fiber: 3.9g
- Carbohydrates: 37g
- Protein: 3.6g
- Vitamin C: 35.3mg
- Sugars: 5.4g
- Vitamin A: 1730mcg
- Potassium: 855mg
The cashew nut is grown in Nigeria, Vietnam, and India. Cashews are evergreen. They are consumed as a snack and added to other recipes also.
Cashew Nutrition Facts
- Calories:Â 157
- Sodium: 3.4mg
- Fat: 12g
- Fiber:Â 0.9g
- Protein: 5.2g
- Carbohydrates:Â 8.6g
- Sugars: 1.7g
Pecans are healthy nuts and can be added to the vegetable recipe. Although pecans are linked with desserts there are different ways to enjoy them in a savory recipe.
Pecan Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 196
- Sodium: 0mg
- Fat: 20g
- Fiber: 2.7g
- Protein: 2.6g
- Carbohydrates: 4g
- Sugars: 1.1g
Nut butter
Almond butter is prepared from almonds. It provides protein, healthy fats, and minerals like:
- Calories:Â 98
- Sodium:Â 1mg
- Carbohydrates:Â 3g
- Protein: 3.4g
- Fat:Â 9g
- Fiber:Â 1.6g
- Sugars:Â 0.7g
- Vitamin E: 3.9mg
Olive Oil​
Olive oil has been eaten for many years. It is a staple food in European cuisines and the Mediterranean diet. It contains no protein or carbohydrates.
All of its calories come from fat, mostly best for you monounsaturated fat making it a healthy addition to your diet. Olive oil can vary from flavor to color.
Olive Oil Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 119
- Sodium: 0.3mg
- Fat: 14g
- Fiber: 0g
- Protein: 0g
- Vitamin E: 1.9mg
- Vitamin K: 8.1mcg
- Carbohydrates: 0g
- Sugars: 0g
- Potassium: 0.1mg
Whole grains
Quinoa is a small seed that looks like grains. It has a combination of nutrition:
Quinoa Nutrition Facts
Calories: 222
Sodium: 13mg
Fat: 4g
Fiber: 5g
Sugars: 2g
Carbohydrates: 39g
Protein: 8g
With the increased popularity of low-carb diets, you may be wondering about whole-grain breakfasts like healthy oatmeal options. Whole grains are completely intact with three different parts: the endosperm, bran, and gem. As a result, whole grains get extra nutrients, minerals, fiber, and vitamins than their processed or refined counterparts.
Oatmeal Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 140
- Sodium: 0mg
- Fat: 2.5g
- Fiber: 4g
- Sugars: 0g
- Carbohydrates: 28g
- Protein: 5g
Brown rice
Brown rice is a high-fiber and nutritious food linked with healthy eating. The bran layers that are commonly stripped from white rice are retained in brown rice. It means brown rice consists of valuable phytochemicals like fiber, vitamins, amino acids, phytic acid, flavonoids, and more. Because the basic source of these nutrients comes from carbohydrates, different people on fad diets or low carb may skip eating brown rice.
Brown Rice Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 218
- Sugars: 0g
- Sodium: 1.95mg
- Fat: 1.62g
- Carbohydrates: 45.8g
- Fiber: 3.51g
- Protein: 4.52g
Whole-Wheat Bread
Bread can be a very nutritious food and part of the diet. Nutrition experts suggest choosing whole grain options more often as they provide minerals, vitamins, and fiber.
Bread Nutrition Facts
- Calories: 82
- Sodium: 144mg
- Fat: 1.1g
- Carbohydrates: 13.8g
- Sugars: 1.4g
- Fiber: 1.9g
- Protein: 4g
- Manganese: 0.7mg
Salmon is a very nutritious food. It is a famous fatty fish that is loaded with nutrients and lower several disease risks. What’s more, it is versatile, tasty, and widely found.
The nutritional value of salmon can differ slightly among the varieties. For example, farmed salmon consists of some calories, and healthy fats, whereas wild-caught salmon has more protein.
However, both types are the best sources of several nutrients including phosphorus, selenium, and B vitamins.Â
Wild salmon
Calories 182
Protein 25 grams
Fat 8 grams
Vitamin B12 127% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin B6 56% of the DV
Selenium 85% of the DV
Niacin 63% of the DV
Thiamine 23% of the DV
Phosphorus 21% of the DV
Farmed salmon
Calories 206
Protein 22 grams
Fat 12 grams
Vitamin B12 117% of the DV
Vitamin 38% of the DV
Selenium 75% of the DV
Niacin 50% of the DV
Pantothenic acid 30% of the DV
Thiamine 28% of the DV
Phosphorus 20% of the DV
Salmon is specifically high in selenium, which is an essential nutrient that is involved in DNA synthesis, reproductive health, and thyroid hormone metabolism. It is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is healthy for the heart and lowers inflammation, and boosts brain health.
Additionally, salmon have rich vitamin B12, which is necessary for red blood cells and normalizing the central nervous system.
Tuna is a saltwater fish, which belongs to the Thunnini tribe, that have 15 species of tuna. Tuna belongs to the Scombridae or mackerel family, which also has albacore, bonitos, and mackerels. The tuna size can range from 1 foot – to 15 feet. The two tuna species that dominate the global sales value are yellowfin and skipjack. Canned tuna amount to around 53% of global sales values and frozen or fresh sashimi tuna amount to 41% of global sales values. US is the highest consumer of canned tuna, while Japan is the highest eater of fresh tuna. Other common species of tuna are ahi, bluefin, bigeye, and albacore.
Nutrition Facts for Tuna Fish
Per 100 grams are:Â Total Calories – 103
- Protein 22 g
- Carbohydrate 0 g
- Fat 0.4 g
- Iron, Fe 1.25 mg (6.94 %)
- Copper, Cu 0.09 mg (4.3 %)
- Magnesium, Mg 34 mg (8.5 %)
- Phosphorus, P 222 mg (22.2 %)
- Calcium, Ca 29 mg (DV 2.9 %)
- Manganese, Mn 0.02 mg (0.75 %)
- Potassium, K 407 mg (11.63 %)
Scientists have yet to confirm the oyster’s well-known reputation as an aphrodisiac, but research has indicated oysters’ lesser-known possible natural weight loss help. A half dozen orders will keep you back a mere 43 calories and offer 21% of RDA for iron, deficiencies of which have been linked to a significant rise in fat gene expression.
Additionally, oysters are one of the good food sources of zinc, a mineral that works in tandem with hunger – leptin, a hormone, to regulate appetite.
Research indicated overweight people tend to get higher leptin levels and low zinc levels in comparison to lean folk.
Oyster Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition details are provided by the USDA for 3 ounces of raw oysters without the shell.
- Fat: 2g
- Calories: 69
- Carbohydrates: 4.2g
- Sodium: 90mg
- Fiber: 0g
- Protein: 8g
Image SourceScallops are very tender shellfish with a succulent and creamy texture. There is a type of mollusk, which is a category that also has mussels, clams, squid, oysters, snails, octopus, and sea slugs. But scallops are bivalves, which means they have two hinged shells that open and close when the scallop uses more muscles. This white meaty muscle is what we recognize on our plate as a scallop. Scallops also induce roe, which fish eggs, another famous delicacy. They are high in protein and less fat. They are relatively high in dietary sodium and cholesterol but also offer multiple minerals and vitamins like zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, and copper. They also offer omega-3 fatty acids.
Scallop Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition details are offered by the UUDA for a 100-gm serving of steamed scallops and boiled.
- Calories: 137
- Sodium: 660mg
- Fat: 1g
- Carbohydrates: 6.3g
- Sugars:Â 0g
- Fiber:Â 0g
- Protein: 24g
Dairy Products and Eggs
Moat Pescatarians consume dairy and eggs, even though try to avoid them. Technically, a pescatarian who consumes dairy and eggs would be called a Lacto-Ovo-Pescatarian.
Dairy – Milk
Not all can drink milk, some have a milk protein allergy or are sensitive to the natural lactose and sugar present in milk. But it offers several nutritional benefits for those who can eat cow’s milk.
Milk’s nonfat version offers lean protein and all cow’s milk is an important source of the necessary mineral calcium.
Milk Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition details of provided by the USDA for one cup of low-fat milk.
- Fat:Â 4.6g
- Calories:Â 122
- Fiber:Â 0g
- Sodium:Â 95mg
- Sugars:Â 12g
- Protein: 8g
- Calcium: 307mg
Cheese is one of the healthy dairy products that people eat. It comes in different textures, flavors, sizes, and shapes. We also get vegan cheese found in the market, with no trace of dairy in it. Therefore, even lactose-intolerant people can enjoy the good taste of cheese in meals.
Nutritional Value of Cheese
One ounce (28.35gms) of brie has:
- Calories: 100
- Fat: 9g
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Protein: 5g
- Sodium: 170 mg
- Calcium: 150 mg
One ounce (28.35gms) of cheddar has:
- Calories: 120
- Sodium: 190 mg
- Fat: 10g
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Protein: 7g
- Calcium: 200mg
One ounce (28.35gms) of feta has:
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Calories: 60
- Sodium: 360mg
- Protein: 5g
- Fat: 4g
- Calcium: 60mg
One ounce (28.35gms) of gouda contains:
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Calories: 110
- Protein: 7g
- Sodium: 200 mg
- Fat: 9g
- Calcium: 200mg
One ounce (28.35gms) of mozzarella has:
- Calories: 85
- Fat: 6g
- Carbohydrates: 1g
- Protein: 6g
- Sodium: 138 mg
- Calcium: 143mg
If you are a healthy eater, you possibly eat yogurt. This dairy food can be eaten in the Pescaratine diet. It is best for gastrointestinal health and weight loss. Avoid products with added fat, sugar, or calories.
Yogurt Nutrition Facts
- Calories:Â 149
- Sugars:Â 11.4g
- Sodium:Â 113mg
- Fat:Â 8g
- Calcium: 296mg
- Phosphorus: 233mg
- Riboflavin: 0.34mg
- Carbohydrates:Â 11.4g
- Fiber:Â 0g
- Protein:Â 8.5g
Eggs are nutrient-dense, which means that they offer a high level of minerals and vitamins linked to the calories they have. Eggs are the best source of choline and protein; they also have vitamin B with vitamin D and A. Whether you scramble, boil, or bake eggs, frying them is healthy and handy.
Egg Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition details are offered by the USDA for one large hard-boiled egg
- Calories:Â 78
- Fiber:Â 0g
- Fat:Â 5g
- Carbohydrates:Â 0.6g
- Sodium:Â 62mg
- Protein: 6g
- Sugars:Â 0.5g
- Choline: 147mg
Meat, Poultry, and Game
During the Pescatarian diet not have meat, you need to avoid red meat, poultry, pork, lamb, and game.
Foods You Should Limit​
Moderation is necessary for the pescatarian diet.
There are several foods that you should only consume every once in a while, but fewer foods that you should skip completely. It only makes sense if you are trying Pescatarian for health reasons that you lower foods that may not be helpful for health.
Plant-based and processed meat alternatives: These can be high in fillers and sodium.
​Added sugar:​ cakes, candy, cookies, — keep following the American Heart Association suggestion of no more than 6 teaspoons of included sugar for females and no more than 9 teaspoons each day for males
​”Junk” food:​ foods and chips like it should be consumed in moderation for all diets
​Alcohol:​ avoid drinking more than one cup every day for females and no more than two for males, each the AHA
Foods You Should Avoid​
When you eat meatless, you naturally remove cured and processed meats, which should be lowered in an omnivore diet. Reading food labels and ingredients lists should become a habit to assure you are following your new plant-based lifestyle
​Meat:​ beef, poultry, pork, and meat from all animals
Any shelf-stable foods with trans-fat like boxed pastries, crackers, and frozen pizza are some examples.
Sample 3 Days Meal Plan
Although the Pescatarian diet does not have rules other than alternating animal protein with seafood or plant-based protein, you should always choose Nutritional and balanced meals. Choose healthy cooking techniques, if you eat only processed foods and fried fish, that may not provide health benefits. Broil or grilled fish using healthy cooking oils, steam your seafood, or utilize other low-fat methods like baking or sautéing meals.
The following 3-day meal plan is not all-inclusive but should provide you a common sense about the pescatarian diet.
Days | Meal Time | What To Eat |
Day 1 | Breakfast | 1 serving berry smoothie, Avocado, and egg toast |
1/4 cup roasted red beet hummus, Tuna wrap, carrot sticks | |
Mediterranean quinoa, 4-ounce serving pan-seared salmon, and wilted spinach | |
Day 2
Breakfast | feta oatmeal bowl, Spinach, 1/2 serving grapefruit |
Lunch | 1-ounce serving almonds, Stacked Mediterranean sandwich with whole-grain bread | |
Dinner | Blistered cherry tomatoes, 4-ounce serving Za’atar spiced halibut, and barley | |
Day 3 | Breakfast | Vegetables, 1.5 cups tofu breakfast scramble, and an 8-ounce serving of orange juice |
Lunch | Quinoa salad, 1.5 cups citrus kale, 1 can of sardines with whole-grain crackers | |
Dinner | 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup Trinidad-style curried chickpea channa |
Pros and Cons
Image SourcePros
More protein choices than a rigid vegetarian diet
Seafood provides health benefits
good source of omega-3 fatty acids
May provide environmental benefits
High mercury levels
May not always be farmed sustainably or caught
Some people who choose to remove meat from their diets may find that following a pescatarian diet is easier than following a strictly vegetarian diet because it is easier to have enough protein every day with the extra seafood. When you change meat-based meals to fish-based meals, you are likely to limit calories and fat from your diet to help you get and manage a healthy weight. You will also enjoy different wellness benefits if you choose this eating style. If you follow a pescatarian diet plan that is balanced and healthy, you get the benefits that are linked with a vegetarian diet, additionally those linked with eating more fish.
The flexibility of this diet plan has a wide variety of foods, with no specific limit on portion sizes and calories, which appeals to those who prefer a diet that is low regimented. However, the lack of specific guidance for creating nutritious and balanced choices from compliant foods could challenge those who help by getting a rule book to follow.
Additionally, purchasing the basic foods of this diet plan vegetables, fruits, and fresh fish can be expensive. But you do not always need to buy fresh and the bulk of vegetables and fruits are healthy as fresh and frozen fish is easy to store and affordable.
Though canned tuna is less processed and consist of sodium, it is very healthy to eat in moderation.
Sample Example 7 Days Pescatarian Diet Chart
Days | Meal Time | What To Eat |
Day 1 | Early Morning – 7 Am | 1 Cup of Green Tea |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Oat Meal | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Papaya + 1 Orange | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | Pomfret Fish Without Oil Cooked | |
Evening – 4 Pm | 1 Cup of Green Tea | |
Dinner – 8 PM | Fish Without Oil Cooked | |
 |  | |
Day 2 | Early Morning – 7 Am | 1 Cup of Green Tea |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Oats | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Banana Orange | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | Black Pomfret Fish | |
Evening – 4 Pm | Watermelon | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices
Few Pieces of Papaya |
 |  | |
Day 3 | Early Morning – 7 Am | – |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Oats | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Orange | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | 4 Pieces Black Pamphlet Fish Cooked Without Oil | |
Evening – 4 Pm | Apple, Orange, Pineapple | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices | |
 |  | |
Day 4 | Early Morning – 7 Am | 1 Cup of Green Tea |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Rye Grain (Secale Cereale) | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Watermelon, Orange, Pears | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | 4 Pieces of Fish Cooked Without Oil | |
Evening – 4 Pm | 1 Cup Green Tea and Apple, Orange, Pineapple | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices | |
 |  | |
Day 5 | Early Morning – 7 Am | – |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Spicy Oats | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Watermelon, Orange, Pears | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | 4 Pieces of Fish Cooked Without Oil | |
Evening – 4 Pm | Apple, Orange, Pineapple | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices | |
 |  | |
Day 6 | Early Morning – 7 Am | – |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Spicy Oats | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Watermelon, Orange, Pears | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | 4 Pieces of Fish Cooked Without Oil | |
Evening – 4 Pm | Apple, Orange, Pineapple | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices | |
 |  | |
Day 7 | Early Morning – 7 Am | 1 Cup of Green Tea |
Breakfast – 9 Am | Rye Grain | |
Mid-Morning – 11 Am | Watermelon, Orange, Pears | |
Lunch – 1 Pm | 4 Pieces of Fish Cooked Without Oil | |
Evening – 4 Pm | 1 Cup Green Tea and Apple, Orange, Pineapple | |
Dinner – 8 PM | 3 Medium Size Black Pomfret Fish Slices |
(Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ng7rPHhV7A8)
Why Go Pescatarian?
When trying a pescatarian diet, you get all types of health benefits that a vegetarian enjoys, including a low risk of:
Heart disease:
According to an August 2019 review issued in the Journal-of-the-American-Heart-Association, people who consume extra plant and low meat had less risk of heart disease
​Type 2 diabetes:​
According to a review of September 2018 issued in current diabetes reports, all types of vegetarian diets lowered the risk of growing type 2 diabetes.
High Blood Pressure
According to a May 2017 article issued in the Journal of Geriatric-Cardiology, vegetarians and vegans had lowered blood pressure overall and a low risk of hypertension. It is very big news, considering more than 100 million US adults get high blood pressure, as stated by AHA.
Plant-based eating also helps in the body’s fat reduction according to a November 2019 report published in ​Nutrients​. It is because this type of eating pattern leads to calorie reduction and enhanced gut health, and insulin sensitivity.
Is the Pescatarian Diet a Healthy Choice for You?
Image SourcePresent guidelines set forth by the USDA (Department of Agriculture) recommend filling your plate with a balanced mix of protein, which could be from fish, meat, plant-based sources, fruits, grains, dairy, and vegetables. The pescatarian diet meets that standard when meals are balanced with USDA-suggested nutrients and foods.
There is no official calorie count for the pescatarian diet, which does not the need for counting calories. The number of calories that you need will differ based on goals like weight maintenance, weight loss, weight gain, gender, age, weight, and activity level.
Pescatarian Diet: Health Benefits
The Pescatarian diet has plant-based foods with seafood and fish as the primary sources of protein. Pescatarians are the same as vegetarians, as they also eat a plant-based diet that has fruits, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and healthy fats and skips poultry and meat. It allows the pescatarian same diet high in omega-s, and phytochemicals, which offer different health benefits like reducing the risk of growing some chronic ailments.
Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Strokes
Omega-3 fatty acids present in fatty fish like sardine, salmon, and mackerel help to lower plaque accumulation that can present in the arteries leading to strokes and heart ailment. Omega-3s also help to decrease the chances of an individual having arrhythmia, which is an irregular heartbeat. Additionally, this type of fatty acid is best for heart health due to its help in lowering triglyceride levels in the blood, dropping blood pressure, and inflammation, which can harm the blood vessels and cause heart failure and stroke.
Lower Risk of Obesity
Following a Pescatarian diet lower the risk of getting obese. The research discovered that females who follow a Pescatarian diet gained 2.5 lbs lower every year compared to a female who consumes meat. It has been shown that people who follow a more plant-based diet do not gain more weight, showing that reducing animal consumption may be helpful for weight management.
Lower Risk of Cancer
A diet that has vegetables and fruits has been linked with reducing the risk of having colorectal cancer. Research has shown that vegetarians get 22% lower chances of growing colon cancer compared to omnivores. However, when fish is included in a plant-based diet, the risk of not getting colon cancer boost to 43%. By adding fish to a plant-based diet, the colorectal cancer risk is low. It may be linked to omega-3 fatty acids’ anti-inflammatory properties.
Lower the Risk of Diabetes
Pescatarians have less chance of growing diabetes as against omnivores. Following a plant-based diet corresponds with good blood sugar control, reduced cholesterol level, and weight management. It also helps our bodies to be extra responsive to insulin. It may be because a plant-based diet can help to lower body fat and that low fat allows insulin to function correctly.
Health Risks
Vitamin B12 is an essential micronutrient found in animal foods means you may have less of it when you consume a pescatarian diet. For that reason, you may wish to monitor your consumption. But you can have it from other foods like sardines, tuna, dairy foods, eggs, fortified cereals, and yogurt.
Vitamin B12 helps in managing a healthy nervous system and helps in red blood cell formation, protein metabolism, and DNA. Ensure you get more meat-free foods high in B12 like eggs, shellfish, dairy, and milk. You will also wish to skip fish with higher mercy levels, especially for breastfeeding and pregnant women. The Food-and-Drug-Administration (FDA) and the Environmental-Protection-Agency (EPA) categorize fish as a good choice, the best choice, and avoid.
Their resources help to eat safe and healthy when choosing seafood so they can lower their harmful toxins consumption.
The best choices for seafood have lobster, herring, and freshwater trout. Good choices have halibut, snapper, and grouper. Fish to skip includes orange roughy, swordfish, and bigeye tuna.
A Word from Very well
The Pescatarian diet has more going for it, but no one diet is very perfect. If you are trying to follow a pescatarian diet, but you are not sure, try it for one or two weeks and see how you feel. You may notice that when you promote your grains consumption, vegetables, and other fine foods, you eat low and feel fuller more. You may also get more energy. At the very least, you will benefit from trying new flavors and foods.
If you are not sure how to start, take help from a registered dietitian or a local cooking school to know how to prepare fish so that you enjoy your meals and feel full. Note that following a short-term and long-term diet may not be important for you, and different diets out there simply do not work, especially long-term. While we do not support fad diet trends or unsustainable weight.