How Radish Juice Is Beneficial In Weight Loss

The radish is an edible root vegetable, which belongs to Brassicaceae. It is grown in Europe. Radishes are eaten raw in the form of vegetable salad. There is various size, color, flavor, and measure of time to get radish roots ripe.

Radishes have a sharp flavor to different chemical synthesis produced by the plants, including myrosinase, glucosinolate, and isothiocyanate. They are also grown as protector plants and undergo from some diseases, and pests. They quickly get germinated and grow rapidly. Commonly grown small varieties are ready from consumption whereas larger daikon varieties require more months.

Radish is effortless to grow and quick to harvest, these are often planted by beginner gardeners. Radish is grown for its daikon, seeds, and oil production.

Nutrition Facts of Radish

Radish belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which also includes cabbage and mustard. The radish root is related to broccoli, kale, horseradish, and cauliflower.


  • Calories:0.7(2.9 kJ) 0%
  • From Carbohydrate:0.6(2.5 kJ)
  • Fat:0.0(0.0 kJ)
  • Protein:0.1(0.4 kJ)
  • From Alcohol:0.0(0.0 kJ)
  • Total Carbohydrate:0.2 g (0%)
  • Dietary Fiber:0.1 g (0%)
  • Starch:0.0 g
  • Sugars:0.1 g
  • Total Fat:0.0 g (0%)
  • Saturated Fat:0.0 g (0%)
  • Monounsaturated Fat:0.0 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat:0.0 g
  • Total trans fatty acids ~
  • Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids ~
  • Whole trans-polyenoic fatty acids ~
  • Total Omega-3 fatty acids 4 mg
  • Total Omega-6 fatty acids 8 mg
  • Vitamin A:0.3 IU (0%)
  • C Vitamin:0.7 mg (1%)
  • Vitamin D:~ ~
  • Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol):0.0 mg (0%)
  • K Vitamin:0.1 mcg (0%)
  • Thiamin:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Riboflavin:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Niacin:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Vitamin B6:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Folate:1.1 mcg (0%)
  • Vitamin B12:0.0 mcg (0%)
  • Pantothenic Acid:0.0 mcg (0%)
  • Choline :0.3 mg
  • Betaine:0.0mg
  • Calcium:1.1 mg (0%)
  • Iron:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Magnesium:0.4 mg (0%)
  • Phosphorus:0.9 mg (0%)
  • Potassium: 5 mg (0%)
  • Sodium:1.8 mg (0%)
  • Zinc:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Copper:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Manganese:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Selenium:0.0 mg (0%)
  • Fluoride:0.3 mcg

Why Radish Juice?

Cooked or raw radish contain high nutrients, which are helpful to use for weight loss. This juice works quicker than other raw foods. Consuming radish juice helps to absorb nutrients quickly. Even the radish juice contains high nutrients than the cooked or raw radish.

When you grind a radish, it provides liquid full of vitamins, isothiocyanate, and minerals. Isothiocyanate provides enough antioxidants for supporting weight loss. It also contains cancer-preventing properties.

How Do Antioxidants Help?

The presence of antioxidants in the radish helps to begin the process of anti-oxidation in the body. Oxidation is a process of removing damaged tissues from the body. Therefore, antioxidants prevent tissues from tearing or dying.

When the anti-oxidation process starts in the body, it helps to increase the metabolism rate. It will prevent fat build-up in the body.

Other Processes

Radish juice helps to detoxify and clean your digestive system. It eliminates all the toxins from your body and assists in the digestion process. Drinking radish juice also helps to manage bile flow. Having proper digestion prevents gas formation in the body and controls the gas filling in your body.

How to use radish juice?

Radish juice tastes strong and bitter. Many people don’t like to consume it every day. However, you can manage this bitter taste by combining radish juice with other ingredients. Include apple or carrot or pineapple juice with radish juice. It will remove the bitter taste of radish juice.

How to prepare radish juice?


  • Carrot slices – One bowel
  • Radish – one piece.


Cut the carrot into small pieces. Peel off the skin of radish and cut it into small pieces. Grind all pieces and make a blend of carrot and radish together. Include some black pepper and salt and drink.

Recipe-2: Watermelon, Radish, Carrot Juice Recipe

It is a healthy and refreshing juice recipe for summertime. You can make this recipe easily at home by mixing fruits and balancing saltiness and sweetness in this drink.

This juice contains a rich amount of beta carotene, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. It helps to promote immunity and remove toxins from your body. This juice recipe gives a sweet taste of carrot and watermelon to balance radish taste.


  • 1-Watermelon (cubed and peeled)
  • Carrots 500 grams (diced)
  • Radish 250 grams (diced)
  • Salt: 1 pinch
  • Lemon juice for taste

How to make Juice?

  • Cut the fruits in dice shape.
  • Make a fine blend by using a blender or juicer.
  • Strain the juice and add it into a jar and stir with lemon juice and salt for taste.

What is a good time to consume radish juice?

Radish is an herbaceous shrub belongs to the cruciferous species in China. The edible portion of the radish root is popular for its sedative and depurative properties.

Radish root comes in different colors, shapes, and sizes depending on its variety.

You can consume radish juice after having a meal. As the radish juice is strong, it affects the stomach if taken on an empty stomach. You can consume radish juice with carrot juice. You can also combine radish juice with other fruits.

Health Benefits of Radish Juice


Half a cup of radish juice provides one gram of fiber. It works best for weight loss. Adding more fiber consumption helps in weight loss. Fiber is a plant portion that left undigested. Therefore, eating fiber food makes the stomach full for more time.

Including radish in your everyday diet stop you from overeating and help in weight loss.

Glycemic index

Radish juice contains a low glycemic index. The low glycemic index is best for weight loss. The glycemic index in the food depends on how much time it takes to break down and get digested in your body.

Consuming foods containing high glycemic index breakdown fast and causes blood sugar spike after a meal. Then the body gives a response by secreting excess insulin to lower down the blood sugar levels. More insulin causes to interfere in the process of fat burning and affect weight loss. It also influences the way of storing fats. Consuming foods with a low glycemic index helps to balance blood sugar levels in a normal range. It also prevents fat storage.

Low in calories

Radish juice contains low calories, and it is best for the weight loss process. You can replace unhealthy snacks with radish juice and notice the difference.

Weight Management

Radishes are small but contain more fiber, which makes your stomach full for more time. As a high fiber food, radish helps to manage bowel movements and prevent constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids. It also reduces cholesterol by connecting low-density lipoproteins.

As fiber takes time to get digested, it keeps hunger pangs away and helps to promote satiety. You will soon stop overeating.

Adding radish juice in your diet provides low calories containing more water. It is the best option for any meal and best for weight loss.

Heart Health

Radishes help to reduce the risk of heart ailments. Similar to red cabbage, radish contains nutritions with a kind of flavonoid known as anthocyanins. These are the same flavonoid available in blueberries.

According to new studies, the anthocyanins hold anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. It also causes the problem of heart failure, peripheral artery disease, and kidney disease.

The content of anthocyanins helps to circulate metabolites. Metabolites are the metabolic reaction catalyzed products from different enzymes, which occur naturally within cells. This process helps to protect against different heart problems such as vascular system by lowering oxidative stress and inflammation.

Skin Health

The radish juice contains rich nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B, vitamin C, and phosphorus, which helps the skin to heal. Additionally, radish contains water that helps to keep your body hydrated for a long time. It also contains antibacterial qualities that help to heal cracked and dryness and prevent infection.

Enhance Cardiovascular Health

Radish induces nitric oxide production. It lets blood vessels to relax and gradually reduce blood pressure. It is especially happening in the case of a monster radish that is called Sakurajima Daikon, which is grown in Japan from ancient times.

Nitric oxide helps to relax and soothe your muscles tissue and promote blood flow. It also prevents the platelet adhesion in your blood vessel wall. All the benefits prevent the risk of atherosclerosis.

May Prevent Cancer

As radish belongs to the vegetable family of cruciferous, it comprises of compounds. These compounds breakdown into isothiocyanates after getting combined in water. These compound helps to prevent cancer.

The isothiocyanates present in radish helps to trigger to remove cancer cells in the lungs.

The reddish roots help to prevent the effects of Chemopreventive of breast cancer. It limits cancer cells’ growth and kills cancer cells. However, it is a useful antitumor agent to prevent cancer.

Manage Diabetes

Radish contains anti-diabetic properties. They help to strengthen the defense system of antioxidants. It reduces the free radicals build-up. It boosts your energy metabolism and lowers glucose absorption in your intestine. This way, it helps to manage diabetes.

As radish contain low carbs, they reduce the effects of high blood sugar.

Enhance Digestive Health

Radish juice is the best source for fiber, and it helps to promote digestive health. Radish is popular with digestive assistance, a stimulant. It works as a laxative and treats stomach problems.

Relieve urinary issues

Radish contains more water, as it helps to treat urinary disorders. It helps to heal the burning sensation of urination. The water content of radish juice helps to cleanse the whole urinary system, including kidneys and promote urine excretion. They also increase urine production.

Improves Hypertension

The radish leaves contain a rich source of potassium which helps to reduce sodium. It helps manage high blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Benefit Constipation

Besides helping treat urinary issues, radishes can be helpful in constipation too. Since radish contains a good amount of fiber, it assists in digestion effectively and promotes the excretion process.

Furthermore, the water content of radish helps in the secretion of various digestive juices. Radish juice helps to eliminate easily.

Respiratory system

People with sinus or asthma problems can add radish juice to their diet. Radish helps to clear the respiratory tract effectively and prevent breathing problems like asthma.

Radish is popular for protecting the inner lining of respiratory organs and prevent allergies and infections.

Benefit Thyroid Patients

Radish juice contains a sulfur component such as raphanin. Th raphanin helps to balance the calcitonin and thyroxine hormones. This balance promotes hypothyroid conditions.

Heal Kidney Stones

Adding radish juice in your weight loss can prevent kidney stones and heal existing. There is a small stone in the kidney that you are not aware of sometimes, therefore radish juice works to eliminate calcium oxalate by urine.

Taking your regular doctor’s advice helps to prevent further complications.

Prevent Osteoarthritis

Radish juice also helpful for preventing osteoarthritis as it contains sulforaphane like other cruciferous vegetables. The synthesis helps to prevent cartilage destruction in cells.

Supports Liver Health

Radish is a cruciferous veggie, and it helps to detoxify toxins from the liver. According to studies, Spanish radish contains liver promoting effects. Its high consistency of glucosinolates enhances liver health.

According to Greek-Arab folk and Indian medicine, radish is a helpful home treatment for liver diseases and jaundice.

Another study tells that a bioactive chemical available in radish work effectively for healing non-alcoholic fatty liver problems.

Radish is a strong vegetable. It provides various health benefits.

Boost Immunity

The radish contains vitamin C, which prevents cell damage occurred by environmental toxins. Vitamin C also helpful for the production of collagen and manage healthy blood vessels and skin.

Hydrate your body

As radish full of water, its juice helps to keep you hydrated. Having sufficient hydration helps to benefits your entire digestive health. Hydration in the body helps to relieve constipation, absorb nutrients, and improve digestion.

Prevent yeast infection

Radish contains an anti-fungal protein called RsAFP2. According to research, the RsAFP2 kills the candida Albicans cells and stop infections such as invasive candidiasis and oral yeast infections.

Prevents Piles

Radish provides another benefit of preventing piles. Radishes are composed of insoluble fiber that is indigestible carbohydrates. It helps in digestion, alleviate constipation, and water retention, are the main cause of hemorrhoids. Radish juice helps to reduce the piles’ symptoms and soothe the digestion and excretion process.


Leucoderma also called Vitiligo. It is an autoimmune problem in which the body attacks its healthy cells and damage. This condition has symptoms of white patches.

The anti-carcinogenic and detoxifying qualities of radish help in leucoderma treatment.

Reduces Fever

Radish is also helpful for lowering body temperature and fever inflammation. Drink radish juice with black salt to get effective benefits to prevent infection in fever.

Insect Bites

Radish contains antipruritic qualities, and it helps in treatment for effective insect bites. Radish juice also helps to relieve swelling and pain. It helps to soothe the affected parts.

Side Effects of Radishes

Irritate Hypothyroidism

Some people with hypothyroidism may get irritation from the goitrogenic content of radish. It affects thyroid hormone production. Chronic radish feeding helps to lower the thyroid hormone profiles. People with thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism, consume radish in a limited way.

Cause Gallstones

There is anecdotal evidence in this regard. There is a requirement for more clinical research. People with a history of gallstone disease can talk to their doctor before including radish in the diet.

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